DEVONthink for Mac

Tool for organizing, describing, searching, and linking text and multimedia documents

Backing Up and Restoring Databases

Backing Up Databases

You can utilize an AppleScript for backing up open databases. The script that we have available below will only back up open databases at the time the script runs. Compressed backup files will be stored in the Backups folder of your user account on the hard drive. Each database backup is saved as As this backup contains your DT3 database in its entirety, it takes up more space but allows for a more robust recovery.

  • Download our daily Smart Rule backup script ( below and unzip it by double-clicking. The unzipped file name is UTSA Backup.dtSmartRule.
  • Right-click any existing Smart Rule on the left sidebar and select Import to locate/open the unzipped, downloaded Smart Rule file, UTSA Backup.dtSmartRule.

Import backup Smart Rule

  • Upon importing the backup script,you will see "UTSA Backup" under Smart Rules on the left sidebar.

UTSA Backup

  • DT automatically creates the backups of open databases and stores them in the Backups folder on your user account. They are all compressed into zip files.
  • The script is set to run daily, but you can also run it manually: right-click on "UTSA Backup" under Smart Rules on the left sidebar, select "Apply Rule".

Apply the rule

  • To change Frequency: Right-click on the Rule, UTSA Backup, and choose Edit or double-click the Rule, UTSA Backup. You can set an option for when or how frequently the backup script can run in the section "Perform the following actions:" 

Backup schedule options

* Note: If you set this script to run daily, you will need to clean the Backups folder regularly as they can fill up your hard drive. 

Restoring Backup Databases

  • When you need to use a backup database, first locate it in the Backups folder of your user profile/account on the hard drive. Then, double-click the zipped database file. Note that you cannot unpack two databases of the same name into the Backups folder.
  • Inside the DT application, close all open database(s).
  • If you already have the same database in the Documents folder, it is best to rename the existing database and then move the backup database (database-name.dtBase2) to the Documents folder.
  • Make sure that no database with the same name exists in the Documents or Backups folder.  Only one database copy with the same name can be opened in DT at any time.