DEVONthink for Mac

Tool for organizing, describing, searching, and linking text and multimedia documents

Linking RichText Document to Other Document

To link a Rich text document to any other document, open the document in Preview

  • Highlight the text and right-click on it, then select Make Link.  The text will be linked to a new WikiLink (Rich Text Document) with the same name as the selected text. If no document with that name exists, clicking the created link creates a new rich text document. 
    1. Make Link

Link in Rich Text

Write Notes

  • * To go back to the original document, click “<” in the Edit bar, or at the Go menu -> Back
  • To see what your document links/is linked to: right-hand tab -> ““ -> Links
  • "Links" indicates that the current document is linking out to other documents in the database or other databases.
  • "Incoming links" indicates the links incoming to the current document. 

incoming and outgoing links       Incoming links  outgoing links  Outgoing links

