
A guide to basic setup and use of EndNote for citation management.

Importing PDFs

Importing PDF Files

Note: This method can be used to import PDF files you have previously downloaded to your library, but unfortunately EndNote will not find/assign reference information for all articles. For references that appear in your library as <filename.pdf> you will have to manually import the RIS file and attach the PDF. Alternatively you can enter the reference information manually, but this is time-consuming and not recommended.

File > Import

Click File

Click Import

Select import type

File to import a single PDF

Folder to import a folder containing more than one PDF

Import File Dialog

Import File dialog

Click Choose

Navigate to the reference you would like to import, click OK

Choose PDF from the Import Option: dropdown

Import Folder Dialog

Import Folder dialog

Click Choose

Navigate to the folder you would like to import, click OK

Click Import