
A guide to basic setup and use of EndNote for citation management.

Google Scholar Button

Extension for Chrome Browser

Students using Google Chrome browser may choose to Google Scholar Button extension. Google Scholar can automatically search for references matching highlighted text within the Chrome browser.

Adding the Google Scholar Button
  1. Open a Chrome browser window
  2. Visit the Chrome Web Store
  3. Search for Google Scholar Button
  4. Click Add to Chrome next to the Google Scholar Button extension
  5. A small button with the Google Scholar logo will appear just right of URL bar
Using the Google Scholar Button

After finding an resource (e.g. article, book, etc.) you would like to add to EndNote

  1. Highlight the title of the resource
  2. Click the Google Scholar Button
    • The extension will search for the resource and display citation information (title, author(s), abstract, times cited, etc.)
  3. Click the " to view the citations menu
  4. Click EndNote

Exporting from Google Scholar in other browsers

In Google Scholar, there are a couple of ways to export files to EndNote

Method 1

Click the " beneath the reference you want to import

Google Scholar Citation Quote Mark

Then click EndNote on the prompt

Google Scholar Citation Tools

Method 2

Login to your Google account

Google Scholar Citation Setup Screenshot

Click the hamburger icon hamburger icon

Choose Settings 

Under Bibliography Manager, click Show links to import citations into

Click the dropdown and select EndNote from the list

Click Save

Now your Google Scholar references should have an option to Import into EndNote

Google Scholar reference Import into EndNote screenshot