
A guide to basic setup and use of EndNote for citation management.

Exporting References from Databases

Exporting from the Databases

Nearly all databases offer options for exporting reference information to EndNote, however the method and wording for downloading the reference vary greatly from one database to another. Below are a few common examples:

If you have trouble exporting from these or any other database, please contact our EndNote specialist using the Help & Support link or ask UTSA Libraries Chat.

EBSCOhost Databases


EBSCO Export Example

To export single references

Click on the article title to open the full record

On the right side of the window, click Export

Choose Direct Export in RIS Format

Click Save

To export multiple references at once

Click the Folder Icon next to items you want to add

Click Folder at the top of the page

Select the items you want to export

On the right side of the window, click Export

Choose Direct Export in RIS Format

Click Save



JSTOR Export Example

In JSTOR, multiple references can be exported from the results list -

Check the box next to item(s) you want

Click Export Selected Citations

Choose Export a RIS file

OR from within the article view

Click Cite this item

Choose Export a RIS file

ProQuest Databases


ProQuest Export Example

In ProQuest, references can be exported from the results list or the full article record -

Check the box next to item(s) you want -OR- click the article title to open the full record

Click Save (top right for results list -OR- right side toolbar for full record)

Choose RIS

Click Continue



Science Direct Exprot Example

In ScienceDirect, references can be exported from the results list or the full article record -

Check the box next to item(s) you want -OR- click the article title to open the full record

Click Export

Choose Export citation to RIS

Web of Science


Web of Science Export Example

In Web of Science, references can be exported from the results list or the full article record -

Check the box next to item(s) you want -OR- click the article title to open the full record

At the top of the page, click Export

After you select EndNote Desktop for the first reference, the button says Export to EndNote Desktop instead of Export

Choose EndNote Desktop

You can also choose EndNote Web to have the references sent to your EndNote.com web account and sync with your desktop version later

Choose Full Record


Google Scholar

In Google Scholar, there are a couple of ways to export files to EndNote

Method 1

Click the " beneath the reference you want to import

Google Scholar Citation Quote Mark

Then click EndNote on the prompt

Google Scholar Citation Tools

Method 2

Login to your Google account

Google Scholar Citation Setup Screenshot

Click the hamburger icon hamburger icon

Choose Settings 

Under Bibliography Manager, click Show links to import citations into

Click the dropdown and select EndNote from the list

Click Save

Now your Google Scholar references should have an option to Import into EndNote

GS reference Import into EN screenshot