
A guide to basic setup and use of EndNote for citation management.

Create your library

EndNote Library

Your EndNote Library is a file that contains all of your references. EndNote allows users to have as many libraries as needed to support collaboration and sharing, but most users will only need one library. The first time you use EndNote, you will need to create your EndNote library file.

To create your EndNote library, open EndNote

(Please not that EndNote may prompt you to install additional components, like Kopernio, when first opened. You can install these at your discretion but they are not required to use EndNote.)

Click File then New... from the main menu


Create new library - File... New(PC)  


Create new library - File... New (Mac)

A Save dialog will open

Rename your file or keep the default My EndNote Library

Choose a location you will remember, though we recommend the default location - Documents


Save as... (PC)  


 Save as... (Mac)

Click Save

>>> Continue to Create an account >>>


** If you have trouble installing EndNote, please check the Help & Support page or contact an EndNote specialist using the box to the left **