
A guide to basic setup and use of EndNote for citation management.

Mac Troubleshooting

Mac Common Errors

Error - There is no application set to open the document "endnoteexport.ris".

If you recieve this message when trying to open a .ris file:

  1. Click "Choose Application..."
  2. Navigate to your Applications folder
  3. Open the EndNote folder and select EndNote

No application error







**NOTE - it may be necessary to navigate to the .ris file in your Downloads folder if you do not recieve the prompt shown above when selecting the file in your browser**

Error - After following the steps above, EndNote continues to ask to choose an application

  1. Navigate to any downloaded .ris file
  2. Right-click on the .ris file and select "Get Info"
  3. Expand the "Open with..." menu
  4. Select EndNote from the list
    1. If EndNote does not appear in the list, choose "Other" and navigate to Applications/EndNote X9 and select EndNote X9
  5. Click the "Change All..." button beneath the dropdown, then click continue.

Cmnd+click > Get Info

Info menu

Change all prompt

Error - After opening .ris you see a folder view or receive "Library is already in use" message

This means there is an error locating the EndNote library to associate reference with, see video below

  1. Navigate to and select My EndNote Library.enl
    • If you named your library something besides the default name ("My Endnote Library"), choose that name instead

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