Company Research

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Annual Reports to Shareholders

Valero summary annual report coverThe Annual Report to Shareholders (ARS) is the principal document used by major corporations to communicate directly with their shareholders. It is different from the Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or 10-K. ARS may also be called the Summary Annual Report.

ARS is not a required SEC filing; it contains information (usually annual financial statements) that are referenced by the company's 10-K filing.  Also included in most annual reports is information about the company's business, sales and marketing, and analysis of the company's condition made by the CEO.  

Find Annual Reports

In addition to company's investor relations webpages, annual reports may be found in:

Historical Annual Reports

Corporate Social Responsibility Reports

CSR reports are not required by SEC; they are produced voluntarily by companies. 

  • Corporate Social Responsibility Reports
  • Corporate Responsibility Reports
  • Sustainability Reports 
  • Citizenship Reports
  • Environmental Reports