Using the Library Reading List in Canvas

Tips for UTSA faculty on using Library Reading List to manage course readings

Quick Start

The Library Reading List (powered by Leganto) is a Canvas tool that empowers instructors to create course reading lists quickly. With this tool, you can share course readings with your students by adding online resources, physical books, DVDs, and personal files.

Follow These Easy Steps to Get Started

Create a Reading List  ► Add Resources  ► Organize a Reading List ► Publish & Share with Students

Step 1: Create a Reading List in Canvas

  • In Canvas, select course and click Library Reading List (LIB) on the left menu 
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to create your list 

Step 2: Add Items to Your List in Many Ways

  • Add library readings with the Search the Library option 
  • Add items from the web with the Cite It! bookmarklet
  • Import references in RIS or BibTex format
  • Upload your own personal files  
  • Request new items that the library doesn't own by using Add > New Items > Manual Entry or Add Using DOI or ISBN 

Step 3: Organize Your List

  • Create sections tailored to your syllabus  
  • Sort your list in a variety of ways 
  • Add tags for required and optional readings 

Step 4: Publish and Share Your List with Students

  • Click My List is Ready when you are finished adding items. The list will be shared with your students. 
  • Physical items, new e-books, and streaming media require additional processing time from one day to several weeks. These items are ready when their status shows Complete


How does Library Reading List benefit UTSA faculty?

  • Collect items from the Library, web & personal files in one list with a single shareable link for easy access
  • Tailor reading lists for your course(s)
  • Expedite library processing time to make course readings available to students on time
  • Collaborate with other instructors for shared course(s)
  • Organize, modify & reuse lists in future semesters
  • Diversify curriculum with e-books, journal articles, websites, videos & more to engage students 
  • Share a live view of library resources: availability & location for each item
  • Track access and usage of readings
  • Gauge use of library items, justifying the purchase of new resources to support course needs