Using the Library Reading List in Canvas

Tips for UTSA faculty on using Library Reading List to manage course readings

Access Menu

To organize your readings, you may access action menus at the list-, section-, and item-levels by pointing your cursor to bring up three dots.

access list, section and item menus


To structure your Reading List, you may create sections to organize resources by week, topic, type, etc.

Click Add > New Section > provide Title and Description > click Add. You can also add a start and end date.


Add Tags to organize the resources on your Reading List and make them findable and available for filtering. 


To add a tag, click on the item > add tag  Currently available tags:

  • Optional
  • Required
  • Lecture Readings
  • Recommended
  • Post to Canvas

Tags are created by the admin. You may request additional tags by emailing


You can add a note to a Reading List.

To add a Note, Click Add > New Note,  provide Title and Description >  select Section to add the note > click Add.

NOTE - if you make a change to the title of the Note, it erases the note and starts fresh - so be careful and maybe copy and paste from somewhere else first. 



You may rearrange items in your Reading List.  

Option 1: Drag

  1. Point under the checkbox. 6 dots and drag will appear. Use your cursor to drag the item or note and even change the section order. 

drag items


Option 2: Use Item Menu

  1. Click on the item menu on the right and select Move Item.

open item menu


You may add instructors and other users as Collaborators to work together on a List in your Canvas course. Please reach out to to request an account for your collaborator if not found in the course.

Step 1

  1. Open a Reading List and click on List Info in the header.


Step 2

  1. Scroll to the bottom and click Manage Collaborators to open the next screen. 
  2. Add or delete collaborators. If a person does not appear on the dropdown menu, please reach out to to request a Library Reading List account for Collaborator

Manage collaborators