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Anthropology & Archaeology
Library resources for Anthropology, Archaeology, Ethnography and Primatology
Other Databases
For a complete list of databases at UTSA see the UTSA Databases Page.
- AGRICOLA (USDA National Agricultural Library) This link opens in a new windowCitations to all aspects of agricultural literature created by the National Agricultural Library. Topics include farming, veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, and fisheries.
- America: History and Life (EBSCO) This link opens in a new windowDefinitive index of literature covering the history and culture of the U.S. and Canada, from prehistory to the present, with selective indexing for 1,700 journals from 1910 to present. Also includes citations of book and media reviews from a selection of over one hundred key journals in the field. For rest of the world, see Historical Abstracts
- American West (Adam Matthew) This link opens in a new windowExplore westward expansion in America from the early 18th to mid-20th century through a wide range of primary source documents including books, journals, contemporary newspapers, historic maps, broadsides, travel journals, photographs, artwork and more. Documents drawn from the Everett D. Graff Collection of Western Americana at the Newberry Library, Chicago.
- Historical Abstracts (EBSCO) This link opens in a new windowSelectively indexes and abstracts the scholarly literature of world history from 1450 to the present. Includes citations to journal articles, book and media reviews, and dissertations. Also includes useful features such as the ability to search by historical time period. For U.S. and Canadian history see America: History and Life.
- ArchiveGRID This link opens in a new windowContains nearly a million collection descriptions and online archival finding aids of primary source material from more than 2,500 libraries, museums, historical societies, and archives around the world.
- Ethnic NewsWatch (ProQuest) This link opens in a new windowIncludes journals, magazines, and newspapers from ethnic and minority presses. Can limit to Native American publications such as Native American Quarterly, Indian Country Today, and Cherokee Observer. Coverage: 1960-present.
- GeoRef (ProQuest) This link opens in a new windowSelectively indexes and abstracts the geoscience literature of the world including journal articles, books, maps, conference papers, reports, theses and dissertations. Includes references to all publications of the U.S. Geological Survey. Coverage for North America is 1693 to the present with the rest of the world is from 1933 to the present.
- Indo-European Etymological Dictionaries Online (Brill Online) This link opens in a new windowA collection of etymological dictionaries that together reconstruct the lexicon for the most important languages and language branches of Indo-European. Includes Latin, Greek, Slavic, Proto-Celtic, Old-Frisian, Armenian, Hittite, Luvian, Iranian verb, Proto-Nostratic, Baltic, Tocharian B, Lithuanian, North Lechitic Dialects, and Proto-Germanic. Dictionaries can be cross-searched or searched individually. Each entry has grammatical info, meaning(s), etymological commentary, reconstructions, cognates and bibliographical information.
- Ingenta This link opens in a new windowIndexes and abstracts scholarly publications from 255 academic and professional publishers. Updated daily.
- JSTOR This link opens in a new windowSearchable full-text and full-image backfiles of scholarly journals, as well as e-books, and primary resources. Subject areas include the arts, humanities, social sciences, science, math, and business. Includes the Artstor Digital Library containing millions of images from the world's museums, archives, and libraries.
- Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) (ProQuest) This link opens in a new windowIndexes the international literature in linguistics and language sciences. Includes abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews, books, book chapters, and dissertations. Significant linkage to full text.
- National Archeological Database (National Park Service)A computerized communications network for the archaeological and historic preservation community established to improve access on archaeological activities worldwide. The NADB Reports section is a bibliographic inventory of 350,000 reports on archaeological planning and investigation, mostly of limited circulation.
- Nature Journals Online This link opens in a new windowProvides full-text access to current and some archival content in Nature, the international weekly journal of interdisciplinary science. Peer-reviewed content includes research papers, opinion articles, news stories, correspondence, career information, and reviews. Additional journal titles published by Nature are accessible via the drop down menu. Access limited to subscribed journals only.
- Periodicals Archive Online (PAO) (ProQuest) This link opens in a new windowSearch periodicals in the humanities and social sciences including disciplines such as anthropology, area studies, economics, education, history, linguistics and philology, literature, music and the performing arts, and sociology, among others. Covers publications from the 15th century to the present. Includes full-text articles in languages other than English, with significant offerings in Spanish, French, and German.
- ProQuest Congressional This link opens in a new windowMany congressional hearings and reports have information on Native Americans. Use Basic Search or use Advanced Search to search full text of documents or to search within a particular collection. All material is now available full image online including Serial Set Maps (1789-1969). Date coverage: 1789 - present.
- ProQuest Research Library This link opens in a new windowOffers indexing/abstracting to articles in over 3,300 journals across a wide range of subject areas, more than 1,700 of which are also available in full text. Subject strengths include the arts and humanities, business, education, health, international studies, law, literature, multicultural studies, psychology, the sciences, and the social sciences.
- ScienceDirect This link opens in a new windowProvides full text/full image access to approximately 1,500 journals published by Elsevier Science. Indexes and abstracts articles from more than 1,800 journals in the life, physical, medical, technical, and social sciences. Full Text/Full Image
- Wiley Online Library This link opens in a new windowProvides full-text access to approximately 300 of the more than 500 journals in a variety of disciplines published by Wiley, as well as tables of contents and abstracts. Also provides full-text access to nearly 800 titles published by Blackwell. Includes American Anthropological Association journals.
- Web of Science This link opens in a new window
Search current and retrospective information from 12,000+ high-impact research journals worldwide. Provides seamless access to Science Citation Expanded (1900- ), Social Sciences Citation Index (1900- ), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975- ), Conference Proceedings Index (1990- ), and Emerging Sources Citation Index (2005-2017). Cited reference searching enables tracking prior research, gauging the impact of research, and to locate articles that share common references.