ES 4213/BIO 4033: Conservation Biology (Young)

Course research guide for Conservation Biology (ES 4213/BIO 4033) with Gwen Young

Writing in the Sciences

Scientific writing or science writing usually refers to research articles reporting original research in journals. Science writing also includes other kinds of writing such as review articles (which summarize and synthesize previous research articles on a specific topic), annotated bibliographies (which aid others in performing their research), abstracts or notes (which summarize experiments or studies), and grant proposals (which seek funding for research). The point of science writing is for a scientist to communicate with an audience of peers. Since the purpose is communication and not entertainment, scientific writing should be precise, clear and objective.

Here are some resources to help you write for academic science audiences:

Citation Managers

Citations managers are software programs that allow you to import citations directly from the any of the databases, including Library Quick Search and Google Scholar, and simply insert them into a Word document minimizing the frustration that comes with inserting citations like proper format, style, case, and other pieces that vary from one citation style to another.

Check the links below for more information about a couple of the most popular citation managers that UTSA students use. No matter which citation manager you choose, you're certain to simplify the citaiton process!

If you prefer to cite manually, you can use the guide below for quick help and links to the citation resources (e.g. APA Style Manual)