LaTeX & BibTeX

This guide provides resources/tips for using LaTeX & BibTeX commands. While this Libguide is intended for any users, we can’t assist non-members of UTSA with any specific questions about using BibTeX and LaTex software programs or coding.

2/21 and 2/27 Workshop Agenda

  1. Two Types of Files used in Overleaf, Online LaTeX Editor
    • Program file (to be compiled) .tex 
    • Data file - .bib
  2. What and Where is .bib file: accumulate, save, and export your references into LaTex
  3. Interaction of three BibTeX-related Commands: Working in conjunction within LaTex
    • \cite{XYZ-variable} 
    • \bibliography{XYZ-Bib_File_name} and 
    • \bibliographystyle{XYZ-citation_STYLE_name}  
  4. Bibliographiy Style - plain, ACM, ieeetr, etc. - its seletion from the drop down menu in Overleaf program and their output formats