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- WRC 1013/1023: Freshman Composition: Exploring Critical Issues
WRC 1013/1023: Freshman Composition: Exploring Critical Issues
Sources for WRC 1013: Christina Frasier, Darren Meritz & Pamela Mahan
Sex Ed
- Kendall, Nancy, The Sex Education Debates"Educating children and adolescents in public schools about sex is a deeply inflammatory act in the United States."https://pixabay.com/photos/laptop-woman-education-study-young-3087585/
- Santelli, J., et al., "Abstinence-only-until-marriage: An updated review of US policies and programs and their impact," Journal of Adolescent Health"Although abstinence is theoretically effective, in actual practice, intentions to abstain from sexual activity often fail. Given a rising age at first marriage around the world, a rapidly declining percentage of young people remain abstinent until marriage."https://pixabay.com/photos/paper-romance-symbol-valentine-1100254
- Kantor & Levitz, "Parents’ views on sex education in schools: How much do Democrats and Republicans agree?" PLoS One"More than 93 percent of parents place high importance on sex education in both middle and high school. Sex education in middle and high school is widely supported by parents regardless of their political affiliation. Using data from a large diverse sample of 1,633 parents of children aged 9 to 21 years, we examined whether views on sex education differed by parents’ political affiliation. More than 89 percent of parents that identified as Republicans or Democrats support including a wide range of topics in sex education including puberty, healthy relationships, abstinence, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and birth control in high school. In middle school, 78 percent or more of both parents that identified as Republicans and Democrats support the inclusion of those topics."https://pixabay.com/vectors/democrat-republican-heart-frame-4814806/
- Pollock, C. "Study: A quarter of Texas public schools no longer teach sex ed," The Texas Tribune"'Our state has become the poster child for abstinence-only-until-marriage sex education,” said Kathy Miller, president of Texas Freedom Network at a Capitol press conference. “[At the Legislature], it sometimes seems that sex education is a four-letter word to only be muttered in adult company.'"https://pixabay.com/photos/school-buses-houston-texas-teachers-2801134/
- Swaby, A. "Texas education officials consider changing state’s sex education policy for first time in 23 years," The Texas Tribune"For the first time since 1997, Texas education officials will consider a new statewide sexual education policy, and it could include teaching middle schoolers about birth control options beyond abstinence."https://pixabay.com/photos/beach-sand-umbrella-colorful-1808409/
- Fiennes, N. Behind Closed Doors: Sex Education Transformed"In this book, I’ve spoken to people from around the country about what kind of sex education they would like. I’ve drawn on histories and testimonies, on politics and on culture to try and bring the conversation to where we, as young people, want it to be. Because despite thousands of years to-ing and fro-ing, all research done that actually asks young people what they want from sex education says the same thing: that there should be one, that it should be honest, age appropriate, taught without embarrassment and that it should be relevant."https://pixabay.com/photos/heart-castle-love-symbol-romantic-603214/
- Thune, K., & Gage, C. "Students in the Special Education Classroom Need (and Deserve) a Comprehensive Sex Education," Sexuality for All Abilities Teaching and Discussing Sexual Health in Special Education"The chapter introduces the myth of asexuality and discusses its negative impacts in general and on students with developmental and other disabilities in particular. The chapter also discusses the shortfalls of prevention-based sex education. It concludes by arguing that the comprehensive sex education curriculum is the most effective method for equipping students in both general and special education classrooms with the knowledge they need to live more fulfilling, healthier, safer, self-advocating lives."https://pixabay.com/photos/crayons-to-draw-colored-fun-wood-4694423/
- Novak, S. "Sex ed in higher ed: Should we say yes to 'Affirmative Consent?'" Studies in Gender and Sexuality"In this essay, the author explores the concept of 'affirmative consent' as a sociolegal strategy for reducing sexual violence on college campuses."https://pixabay.com/photos/consent-yes-great-checklist-1971728/
- Oliver, V. "If you teach them, they will come: Providers’ reactions to incorporating pleasure into youth sexual education," Canadian Journal of Public Health"Sexual pleasure and satisfaction are integral components of the human sexual experience, yet these crucial aspects of sexuality are rarely placed on sexual education agendas. The objective of this paper is to explore the ways in which various groups of Service Providers (SPs) participating in the Toronto Teen Survey (TTS) understand the role of pleasure in sexual education for youth, highlighting the challenges and benefits of teaching pleasure in diverse settings."https://pixabay.com/photos/person-girl-human-joy-sunset-sun-2806280/
- Yoffee, E. "The bad science behind campus response to sexual violence," The Atlantic"Assertions about how trauma physiologically impedes the ability to resist or coherently remember assault have greatly undermined defense against assault allegations. But science offers little support for these claims."https://pixabay.com/photos/traffic-cones-road-warning-safety-14934/
- Kalaf, J. et al., "Sexual trauma is more strongly associated with tonic immobility than other types of trauma: A population based study," Journal of Affective Disorders"Peritraumatic tonic immobility is more strongly associated with sexual trauma, particularly in childhood, than to other types of trauma in the general population."https://pixabay.com/photos/pattern-winter-cold-ice-texture-2054297/
- Moller, A., Sondergaard, H. P., & Helstrom, L. "Tonic immobility during sexual assault: A common reaction predicting post‐traumatic stress disorder and severe depression," Acta Obstetricia et Gynectologica Scandinavica"Active resistance is considered to be the ‘normal’ reaction during rape. However, studies have indicated that similar to animals, humans exposed to extreme threat may react with a state of involuntary, temporary motor inhibition known as tonic immobility. The aim of the present study was to assess the occurrence of tonic immobility during rape and subsequent post- traumatic stress disorder and severe depression."https://pixabay.com/photos/pattern-winter-cold-ice-texture-2054297/
- "Podcast: Male survivors of sexual assault and abuse," PsychCentralDid you know one in six males are sexually assaulted before their 18th birthday? Unfortunately, many victims are reluctant to come forward due to cultural conditioning."
- Rothman, E. "How porn changes the way teens think about sex," TEDMED"Data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention demonstrate that one in five high school-attending youth experience physical and/or sexual abuse by a dating partner each year in the US. That makes dating violence more prevalent than being bullied on school property, seriously considering suicide, or even vaping, in that same population. But solutions were proving elusive."
- "The Texas sex ed question," The Source"There are fierce divisions over what sex ed topics should be taught at different grade levels, if at all. On one side, advocates of expanded curriculum want "common-sense programs" that are medically accurate, teach pregnancy and disease prevention beyond abstinence, and champion inclusivity of LGBTQ and transgender people."