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Open educational resources for UTSA's College of Science
ES 1111 & 1113
Environmental Botany Laboratory & Environmental Botany
Environmental Biology by Matthew R. Fisher
Publication Date: 2018This open textbook covers the most salient environmental issues, from a biological perspective. The text is designed for an introductory-level college science course. Topics include the fundamentals of ecology, biodiversity, pollution, climate change, food production, and human population growth.Quantitative Problem Solving in Natural Resources by Peter L. Moore
Publication Date: 2018This text is intended to support courses that bridge the divide between mathematics typically encountered in U.S. high school curricula and the practical problems that natural resource students might engage with in their disciplinary coursework and professional internships.
ES 1121 & 1123
Environmental Zoology Laboratory & Environmental Zoology
Environmental Biology by Matthew R. Fisher
Publication Date: 2018This open textbook covers the most salient environmental issues, from a biological perspective. The text is designed for an introductory-level college science course. Topics include the fundamentals of ecology, biodiversity, pollution, climate change, food production, and human population growth.Quantitative Problem Solving in Natural Resources by Peter L. Moore
Publication Date: 2018This text is intended to support courses that bridge the divide between mathematics typically encountered in U.S. high school curricula and the practical problems that natural resource students might engage with in their disciplinary coursework and professional internships.
ES 1211 & 1213
Environmental Geology Laboratory & Environmental Geology
Introduction to Environmental Science - 2nd Edition by Caralyn Zehnder, Kalina Manoylov, Samuel Mutiti, Christine Mutiti, Allison VandeVoort, Donna Bennett
Publication Date: 2018This course uses the basic principles of biology and earth science as a context for understanding environmental policies and resource management practices. Our planet is facing unprecedented environmental challenges, from oil spills to global climate change. In ENSC 1000, you will learn about the science behind these problems; preparing you to make an informed, invaluable contribution to Earth's future. I hope that each of you is engaged by the material presented and participates fully in the search for, acquisition of, and sharing of information within our class.Quantitative Problem Solving in Natural Resources by Peter L. Moore
Publication Date: 2018This text is intended to support courses that bridge the divide between mathematics typically encountered in U.S. high school curricula and the practical problems that natural resource students might engage with in their disciplinary coursework and professional internships.
ES 2013 & 2023
Introduction to Environmental Systems I & II
AP Environmental Science by Multiple Authors, University of California College Prep
Publication Date: 2016This text is designed to acquaint students with the physical, ecological, social, and political principles of environmental science. Scientific method is used to analyze and understand the interrelationships between humans and the natural environment. This test shows how ecological realities and the material desire of humans often clash, leading to environmental degradation and pollution.Introduction to Environmental Science - 2nd Edition by Caralyn Zehnder, Kalina Manoylov, Samuel Mutiti, Christine Mutiti, Allison VandeVoort, Donna Bennett
Publication Date: 2018This course uses the basic principles of biology and earth science as a context for understanding environmental policies and resource management practices. Our planet is facing unprecedented environmental challenges, from oil spills to global climate change. In ENSC 1000, you will learn about the science behind these problems; preparing you to make an informed, invaluable contribution to Earth's future. I hope that each of you is engaged by the material presented and participates fully in the search for, acquisition of, and sharing of information within our class.Introduction to Oceanography by Paul Webb
Publication Date: 2019Introduction to Oceanography is a textbook appropriate to an introductory-level university course in oceanography. The book covers the fundamental geological, chemical, physical and biological processes in the ocean, with an emphasis on the North Atlantic region.Our Ocean Planet: Environmental Science in the 21st Century by Robert Steward
Publication Date: 2019This book contains material used for an Environmental Geoscience course for first-year college students interested in majoring in the subject.Quantitative Problem Solving in Natural Resources by Peter L. Moore
Publication Date: 2018This text is intended to support courses that bridge the divide between mathematics typically encountered in U.S. high school curricula and the practical problems that natural resource students might engage with in their disciplinary coursework and professional internships.Radiation in the Environment, 2nd Ed. by James L. Hunt
Publication Date: 2011This is a free, online textbook. According to Textbook Revolution, "This book on radiation was in print for two editions, but now that it is out of print the copyright has reverted back to the author. Professor Hunt has updated it, changed the copyright to a creative commons license, digitized the book, and asked Textbook Revolution to host the files. We’re proud to be the sole online source of this text.Sustainability: A Comprehensive Foundation by Tom Theis, Jonathan Tomkin
Publication Date: 2015With “Sustainability: A Comprehensive Foundation”, first and second-year college students are introduced to this expanding new field, comprehensively exploring the essential concepts from every branch of knowledge – including engineering and the applied arts, natural and social sciences, and the humanities. As sustainability is a multi-disciplinary area of study, the text is the product of multiple authors drawn from the diverse faculty of the University of Illinois: each chapter is written by a recognized expert in the field.To Catch the Rain by Lonny Grafman, Humboldt State University
Publication Date: 2017To Catch the Rain is targeted at makers – DIYers looking for practical solutions to water problems for themselves or their communities. The book also provides an excellent overview of rainwater harvesting for students and teachers in environmental science, sustainable design, international development and engineering.
- Story of StuffThe Story of Stuff is an illustrated lecture by author and environmental activist Annie Leonard that examines the environmental and social repercussions of the U.S.s consumer culture. The Story of Stuff Project has expanded with videos addressing environmental studies topics and solutions.
- Global Development Resource Center's Virtual LibraryCollection of online resources for Environmental Studies.
- MIT Open Courseware Earth SciencesMIT also offers a wide variety of open courses on earth and environmental sciences. Course component are available for reuse in the classroom or by students to review concepts.
- Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) This link opens in a new windowJoVE features a multidisciplinary video collection dedicated to both research and education in the sciences. JoVE Research offers peer-reviewed video articles that visually present scientific research methodologies and findings and includes JoVE Journal and JoVE Encyclopedia of Experiments. JoVE Education delivers simple, easy-to-understand video demonstrations that teach fundamental research techniques through JoVE Core, JoVE Science Education, and JoVE Lab Manual.
ES 3121
Introduction to Soils Laboratory
Soils Laboratory Manual by Colby Moorberg; David Crouse
ISBN: 9781944548094Publication Date: 2017-08-28The Soils Laboratory Manual, K-State Edition is designed for students in undergraduate, introductory soil science courses, and highlights the many aspects of soil science, including: soil genesis and classification, soil physical properties, soil-water interaction, soil biology, soil chemistry, and soil fertility. The lab manual includes 15 different laboratories, each one starting with an introduction and pre-lab assignment, followed by in-lab activities, and complimented by post-lab assignment. In-lab activities involve field trips, experiments, observation stations, or problem sets. Post-lab assignments include online quizzes, problem sets, or laboratory summary reports.The Soils Laboratory Manual, K-State Edition is used in Kansas State University's AGRON 305 class, and is based on the Soils Laboratory Manual, NC State Edition used in North Carolina State University's SSC 201 class. The Soils Laboratory Manual, K-State Edition was originally published as a supplement to 'An Open-Source Laboratory Manual for Introductory Undergraduate Soil Science Courses' in Natural Sciences Education, Vol. 46:170013, and is also available for download at https://dl.sciencesocieties.org/publications/nse/articles/46/1/170013. Supporting materials, assignments, instructor versions, and DOCX and RTF files of the lab manual are available at http://open.soilscience.info. The lab manual is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
ES 3303
Environmental Ecology
Quantitative Ecology: A New Unified Approach by Clarence Lehman; Shelby Loberg; Adam Clark
ISBN: 9781946135537Publication Date: 2019-08-01Quantitative Ecology introduces and discusses the principles of ecology from populations to ecosystems including human populations, disease, exotic organisms, habitat fragmentation, biodiversity and global dynamics. The book also reformulates and unifies ecological equations making them more accessible to the reader and easier to teach.