Embedding Streaming Media in Canvas

Tips for faculty on using streaming video LTIs in Canvas.

About Library Video - JoVE LTI

The Library Video - JoVE LTI may be added to your Canvas course using both methods of access, with a caveat below for quizzes. 

  1. Using Method 1 as an example, from your Canvas course module, click +Item > External Tool > Library Video - JoVE LTI 1.3 Tool.

JoVE LTI supports three types of content: videos, quizzes and playlists.

  • You may select single or multiple videos at the same time.
  • JoVE quizzes may be added to your Canvas course only via Method 1 (External tool). The scores from JoVE quizzes are not integrated with the Canvas grades.

three types of content

  1. Select Videos and go through the prompted steps to access the JoVE LTI in new window.

Add Videos via JoVE LTI

  1. Select Education or Research and choose a desired topic and videos.

choose a category


  1. Click on the + sign to add a video or multiple videos.
  2. A prompt appears at the bottom about the number of videos added. Click Submit.


  1. These video are added to the module in Canvas. Click on the video title to view.

video added to the module

View Video Player

  1. A video player and associated content are embedded in the Canvas module.

video player jove

Add JoVE Quiz

You may select a quiz from the Quiz Library or create your own within JoVE and add it to a Canvas module. Please note that JoVE quizzes are not integrated with Canvas quizzes.

  1. Using Method 1, from a Canvas course module, click +Item > External Tool > Library Video - JoVE LTI 1.3 Tool as described above. Follow the on-screen instruction to open the LTI in a new window.
  2. Click Quiz.
  3. Select My Quizzes > click Create Quiz.


Create a jove quiz

  1. Click on the + sign to add a JoVE quiz to Canvas.
  2. Click Add Selected Quiz.

click on the +sign to add a JoVE quiz to Canvas

  1. Click Library video - JoVE LTI 1.3 Tool.
  2. Edit the Page Name if needed and uncheck "Load in a new tab."
  3. Click Add Item.

Add Item

  1. Your JoVE quiz is added to a Canvas module. Click on the title to open.

JoVe Quiz in Canvas

  1. Start Quiz.

Start JoVE Quiz in Canvas