Open Educational Resources for UTSA's College of Liberal and Fine Arts

CHN 1014 & CHN 1024

Elementary and Intermediate Chinese I & II

CSH 1213 & 2113

Topics in World Cultures

EIS 1073, 1083, 1093

Chinese Rhetoric and Writing

FRN 1014 & 1024

Elementary French I & II

FRN 2013 & 2023

Intermediate French I & II

GER 1014, 1024, 2013, 2023

Elementary German  I & II

Intermediate German I & II

ITL 1014, 1024, 2013, 2023

Elementary and Intermediate Italian I & II

JPN 1014, 1024, 2013, 2023, 3053

Elementary and Intermediate Japanese I & II

LNG 2813

Introduction to Linguistics

RUS 1014, 1024

SPN 1014 & 1024

Elementary Spanish I & II