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ENG 2013
Introduction to Literature
Becoming America by Wendy Kurant (Editor)
ISBN: 9781940771465Publication Date: 2018-12-31The University of North Georgia Press and Affordable Learning Georgia bring you Becoming America: An Exploration of American Literature from Precolonial to Post-Revolution. Featuring sixty-nine authors and full texts of their works, the selections in this open anthology represent the diverse voices in early American literature. This completely-open anthology will connect students to the conversation of literature that is embedded in American history and has helped shaped its culture.Compact Anthology of World Literature by Laura Getty, North Georgia College & State University Kyounghye Kwon, University of North Georgia
ISBN: 9781940771229Publication Date: 2016"The emphasis in this anthology, therefore, is on non-Western and European works, with only the British authors who were the most influential to European and non-Western authors (such as Shakespeare, whose works have influenced authors around the world to the present day). In a world literature class, there is no way that a student can be equally familiar with all of the societies, contexts, time periods, cultures, religions, and languages that they will encounter; even though the works presented here are translated, students will face issues such as unfamiliar names and parts of the story (such as puns) that may not translate well or at all. Since these stories are rooted in their cultures and time periods, it is necessary to know the basic context of each work to understand the expectations of the original audience."Digital American Literature Anthology, Version 1.1, Part 2 by Michael O'Conner
Publication Date: 2019The Digital American Literature Anthology is a free, online textbook that surveys American literature from its beginnings to the early twentieth century. It is available in multiple digital formats, though specifically designed for tablets, laptops, and e-readers. The textbook has links to unit introductions, and multiple supplemental online resources.The Emergence of Irish Gothic Fiction by Jarlath Killeen
ISBN: 9780748690800Publication Date: 2014-01-31Provides a new account of the emergence of Irish gothic fiction in mid-eighteenth centuryThis book provides a robustly theorised and thoroughly historicised account of the "beginnings" of Irish gothic fiction, maps the theoretical terrain covered by other critics, and puts forward a new history of the emergence of the genre in Ireland. The main argument the book makes is that the Irishgothic should be read in the context of the split in Irish Anglican public opinion that opened in the 1750s, and seen as a fictional instrument of liberal Anglican opinion in a changing political landscape. By providing a fully historicized account of the beginnings of the genre in Ireland, the bookalso addresses the theoretical controversies that have bedevilled discussion of the Irish gothic in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s.The book gives ample space to the critical debate, and rigorously defends a reading of the Irish gothic as an Anglican, Patriot tradition. This reading demonstrates the connections between little-known Irish gothic fictions of the mid-eighteenth century (The Adventures of Miss Sophia Berkley andLongsword), and the Irish gothic tradition more generally, and also the gothic as a genre of global significance.English Literature: Victorians and Moderns by James Sexton
Publication Date: 2014In addition to providing annotated teaching editions of many of the most frequently-taught classics of Victorian and Modern poetry, fiction and drama, it also provides a series of guided research casebooks which make available numerous published essays from open access books and journals, as well as several reprinted critical essays from established learned journals such as English Studies in Canada and the Aldous Huxley Annual with the permission of the authors and editors. Designed to supplement the annotated complete texts of three famous short novels: Henry James’s The Turn of the Screw, Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, each casebook offers cross-disciplinary guided research topics which will encourage majors in fields other than English to undertake topics in diverse areas, including History, Economics, Anthropology, Political Science, Biology, and Psychology. Selections have also been included to encourage topical, thematic, and generic cross-referencing. Students will also be exposed to a wide-range of approaches, including new-critical, psychoanalytic, historical, and feminist.A Guide to the Gothic by Jeanette A. Laredo
Publication Date: 2019A Gothic anthology of selections from more than 200 years of Gothic works in the public domain, this textbook covers major trends, tropes and periods in the development of Gothic literature from 1764 to the present.Literature, the Humanites, and Humanity by Theodore L. Steinberg
Publication Date: 2014At a time when all subjects seem to be valued only for their testability, this book tries to show the value of reading and studying literature, even earlier literature. It shows students, some of whom will themselves become teachers, that literature actually has something to say to them. Furthermore, it shows that literature is meant to be enjoyed, that, as the Roman poet Horace (and his Renaissance disciple Sir Philip Sidney) said, the functions of literature are to teach and to delight. The book will also be useful to teachers who want to convey their passion for literature to their students. After an introductory chapter that offers advice on how to read (and teach) literature, the book consists of a series of chapters that examine individual literary works ranging from The Iliad to Charles Dickens’ Bleak House. These chapters can not substitute for reading the actual works. Rather they are intended to help students read those works. They are attempts to demystify the act of reading and to show that these works, whether they are nearly three thousand or less than two hundred years old, still have important things to say to contemporary readers.World Literature I by Laura Getty (Editor); Laura Getty (Editor); Kyounghye Kwon (Editor); Douglas Thomson (Editor); Rhonda Kelley (Editor)
ISBN: 9781940771328Publication Date: 2016-01-01Since the dawn of language, humankind has exchanged stories, either though storytellers around a hearth or through scribes tirelessly copying various texts. This literature allows modern audience a window through which we can peer into the distant past. It provides vital clues for the interpretation of history, language, and culture. It is through literature that one may compare and gain a greater understanding of other civilizations. This anthology comprises of three comprehensive collections that provide samples of literature from around the world and across the ages, ranging from some of oldest tales that have survived into modernity to works from the 1650s. These texts provide an opportunity for readers to engage in extensive analysis of the works themselves and the societies that influenced and were influenced by them.
- MIT Open Courseware Literature and WritingMIT Open Courseware offers an extensive series of online courses in literature and writing. Courses generally include lecture videos, assignments, exams, and more.
ENG 2223
British Literature
British Literature by B. J. Robinson (Editor)
ISBN: 9781940771113Publication Date: 2017-12-31The University of North Georgia Press and Affordable Learning Georgia bring you British Literature II: Romantic Era to the Twentieth Century and Beyond. Featuring 37 authors and full texts of their works, the selections in this open anthology represent the literature developed within and developing through their respective eras. This completely-open anthology will connect students to the conversation of literature that has captivated readers in the past and still holds us now.British Literature I Anthology by B. J. Robinson (Editor); Laura Getty (Editor)
ISBN: 9781940771281Publication Date: 2018-04-30The University of North Georgia Press and Affordable Learning Georgia bring you British Literature I: From the Middle Ages to Neoclassicism and the Eighteenth Century. Featuring over 50 authors and full texts of their works, this anthology follows the shift of monarchic to parliamentarian rule in Britain, and the heroic epic to the more egalitarian novel as genre.The Emergence of Irish Gothic Fiction by Jarlath Killeen
ISBN: 9780748690800Publication Date: 2014-01-31Provides a new account of the emergence of Irish gothic fiction in mid-eighteenth centuryThis book provides a robustly theorised and thoroughly historicised account of the "beginnings" of Irish gothic fiction, maps the theoretical terrain covered by other critics, and puts forward a new history of the emergence of the genre in Ireland. The main argument the book makes is that the Irishgothic should be read in the context of the split in Irish Anglican public opinion that opened in the 1750s, and seen as a fictional instrument of liberal Anglican opinion in a changing political landscape. By providing a fully historicized account of the beginnings of the genre in Ireland, the bookalso addresses the theoretical controversies that have bedevilled discussion of the Irish gothic in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s.The book gives ample space to the critical debate, and rigorously defends a reading of the Irish gothic as an Anglican, Patriot tradition. This reading demonstrates the connections between little-known Irish gothic fictions of the mid-eighteenth century (The Adventures of Miss Sophia Berkley andLongsword), and the Irish gothic tradition more generally, and also the gothic as a genre of global significance.A Guide to the Gothic by Jeanette A. Laredo
Publication Date: 2019A Gothic anthology of selections from more than 200 years of Gothic works in the public domain, this textbook covers major trends, tropes and periods in the development of Gothic literature from 1764 to the present.
ENG 2224 & 2225
American Literature I & II
Becoming America by Wendy Kurant (Editor)
ISBN: 9781940771465Publication Date: 2018-12-31The University of North Georgia Press and Affordable Learning Georgia bring you Becoming America: An Exploration of American Literature from Precolonial to Post-Revolution. Featuring sixty-nine authors and full texts of their works, the selections in this open anthology represent the diverse voices in early American literature. This completely-open anthology will connect students to the conversation of literature that is embedded in American history and has helped shaped its culture.A Guide to the Gothic by Jeanette A. Laredo
Publication Date: 2019A Gothic anthology of selections from more than 200 years of Gothic works in the public domain, this textbook covers major trends, tropes and periods in the development of Gothic literature from 1764 to the present.Writing the Nation by Bleil (Editor); Berke (Editor); Cofer (Editor); Davis (Editor)
ISBN: 9781940771342Publication Date: 2016-01-01Since America's founding, the diversity of American writers has shaped its literature. Authors and poets of the past have created a colorful collection of works that are still studied today alongside contemporary works. Writing the Nation: A Concise Introduction to American Literature 1865 to Present, is designed to continue the preservation of famous American literary works in the minds of college students. Readers will encounter a comprehensive collection of over seventy-five short stories, poems, and novel selections that encompass the distinct writing styles of the writers and eras. The text takes students on an academic journey of American Literature from the period of Late Romanticism to Modernism and the present. Each chapter begins with brief writer bios and includes a concise introduction to the time period and how certain scoietal, economical, and political factors influenced writers in that era. Featured authors and poets include favorites such as Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, and Flannery O'Conner among many more. This anthology provides an opportunity for students to engage in extensive analysis of American works, both past and present.
ENG 2229
Multiethnic Literatures of the United States
Antología Abierta De Literatura Hispana by Julie Ann Ward, University of Oklahoma
Publication Date: 2017"A critical anthology of literary texts from the Spanish-speaking world. A focus on canonical authors and an attempt to include voices that have been marginalized. Each text includes an introduction and annotations created by students."
ENG 2413
Technical Writing
A Guide to Technical Communications: Strategies & Applications by ynn Hall, The Ohio State University Leah Wahlin, The Ohio State University
Publication Date: 2016"Our aim in writing this textbook was to create a resource specifically focused on and applicable to the kinds of communication skills most beneficial to the students who take our courses. Therefore, this textbook focuses on developing both technical and professional communication skills and will help readers practice strategies for critically analyzing audiences and contexts, real-world applications of rhetorical principles, and skills for producing documents (reports, proposals, instructions), presentations, videos, and wide variety of other professional communications."Open Technical Writing: An Open-Access Text for Instruction in Technical and Professional Writing by Adam Rex Pope
Publication Date: 2018This book presents technical writing as an approach to researching and carrying out writing that centers on technical subject matter. Each and every chapter is devoted to helping students understand that good technical writing is situationally-aware and context-driven. Technical writing doesn’t work off knowing the one true right way of doing things—there is no magic report template out there that will always work. Instead, the focus is on offering students a series of approaches they can use to map out their situations and do research accordingly.Technical and professional Writing Genres: a Study in Theory and Practice by Michael Beilfuss, Staci Bettes, Katrina Peterson
Publication Date: 2019This modern, open-source guide to technical and professional writing explores workplace composition through theoretical and practical applications. Discussions of multiple writing genres will assist you in understanding how to apply for jobs, how to compose clear and precise business communications once the job has been acquired, and how to create documents -- such as proposals and reports -- that will be instrumental in helping to advance your career.Technical Writing by Annemarie Hamlin, Chris Rubio, Michele DeSilva
Publication Date: 2016A textbook with a focus on writing in the workplace, with an emphasis on audience analysis, writing for specific situations, document design, research processes, and visual aids.Design Discourse by David Franke; Alex Reid; Anthony DiRenzo
ISBN: 9781602351677Publication Date: 2010-02-01"Design Discourse: Composing and Revising Programs in Professional and Technical Writing, edited byDavid Franke, Alex Reid, andAnthony Di Renzo,addresses the complexities of developing professional and technical writing programs. The essays in the collection offer reflections on efforts to bridge two cultures — what the editors characterize as the "art and science of writing" — often by addressing explicitly the tensions between them. Design Discourse offers insights into the high-stakes decisions made by program designers as they seek to "function at the intersection of the practical and the abstract, the human and the technical."
- Survey of American Literature II LumenExamines American literary works from the late-nineteenth century to the present, emphasizing the ideas and characteristics of American national literature. Involves critical reading and writing.
- Technical Writing Open Course LibraryDiscussions and assignments in this class reveal methods for developing the writing skills and techniques needed to communicate effectively and efficiently in professional and technical industries. The course explores techniques for gathering, organizing, and presenting technical information in written reports for technical and non-technical readers. By studying the purpose and design of reports commonly used in business and technical industries, students will gain practical writing experience and stronger persuasive skills, which will also be useful in academic writing.