Managing Research Data Badge

Data Storage

It's best to store data in one central location for -Floppy disks

  • Easy access
  • Duplication
  • Version control
  • Keeping a list

UTSA offers storage solutions and server management through University Technology Solutions (UTS).



Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Data Backup

Data is worthless if lost. Therefore keeping reliable backups is integral to data management.

3-2-1 RuleStorage cards

Always retain
3 copies of anything important, the original and two copies stored on at least
2 different media formats (i.e., hard drive, shared server, flash drive, cloud storage, etc.) with at least
1 copy off-site or in cloud storage.




Image by Photo-Mix from Pixabay

3rd Party Backup Options

Data Security

Security clipartDepending on the type of data, security can also be a significant concern

  • Passwords should be strong and differ from account to account
  • Keep antivirus software and operating system updated
    • Security patches are frequently released to repair loopholes and backdoors
  • Unencrypted data is more easily read but encryption may be necessary for sensitive data
    • If encrypting - keep passwords and keys on paper (2 copies), and in an encrypted digital file
    • Don’t rely on 3rd party encryption alone
  • If sensitive data (such as that from interviews, human subjects, or other private/protected information) is used then you should have a plan in place to destroy, redact, and/or anonymize the data to protect the participants.
  • Uncompressed data is also ideal for storage, but if space is limited, only compress your 3rd backup copy

Image by Blue Coat Photos from Flickr

For more information about responsible acquisition and storage of sensitive information contact: