RDM Research Guide
- Research Data Management - UTSA LibrariesResource for best practices in managing, storing, and sharing your research data
Further resources
- 10 Simple Rules for the Care and Feeding of Scientific DataGuide to steps that can be taken to ensure that data and associated analyses continue to be of value and recognized
- Caltech Research Data ManagementCalifornia Institute of Technology Library Research Data Management LibGuide
- Data Management and PublishingGuide from Massachusett's institute of Technology (MIT) Libraries
- DataONE Primer on Data Management: What You Always Wanted to KnowCommunity driven project providing access to data across multiple member repositories, supporting enhanced search and discovery of Earth and environmental data.
- DMPTool.orgOnline application that helps researchers create data management plans. Detailed guidance and links to general and institutional resources.
- Finding Statistics and Data (ACRL)This helpful guide provides a great framework for finding data and statistics on a given topic.
- GO FAIRGO FAIR provides guidelines to improve the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse of digital assets. The principles emphasise machine-actionability (i.e., the capacity of computational systems to find, access, interoperate, and reuse data with none or minimal human intervention) because humans increasingly rely on computational support to deal with data as a result of the increase in volume, complexity, and creation speed of data.
- Guidelines for Responsible Data Management in Scientifc ResearchEducational course to educate new investigators about conducting responsible data management in scientific research.
- Guide to Social Science Data Preparation and ArchivingFrom the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
- Harvard Medical School: Research Data Management Working GroupThe Longwood Medical Area Research Data Management Working Group (LMA RDMWG) formed in response to identified unmet needs in biomedical and biological research data management. The group endeavors to create solutions, provide guidance, and develop standards and best practices to meet those identified unmet needs and anticipate future needs of our researchers in this area.
- Managing and Sharing Data: Best Practices for ResearchersFrom the UK Data Archive
- NIH Data Sharing WorkbookWorkbook showing how researchers working in a variety of scientific areas shared their data.
- ResearchDataGovWeb portal for discovering and requesting access to restricted microdata from federal statistical agencies. RDG advances the evidence-building capabilities of the federal government, which was a key goal of the Foundations for Evidence-based Policymaking Act of 2018.
- SPARC Data Sharing Requirements by Federal AgencyVisit the SPARC community resource on Data Sharing requirements for the most up to date information about various funder requirements.