Congratulations! You are almost done!
In order to earn this badge, you must complete the following steps:
1. Complete the quiz below (you can re-take it as many times as you need until you get all the answers correct). When you're finished with the quiz, download the Certificate of Completion. The percentage displayed in the certificate might not be correct - and that is OK! You will not be able to download it until you get all the questions right.
2. Complete the DMP activity below and download a copy of your plan.
3. Email your certificate and data management plan to librarybadges@utsa.edu with the subject line "Managing Research Data badge." Include your full name, UTSA email address, and abc123.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions!
Now that you've learned the importance of Research Data Management, use what you've learned to create a data management plan for your research.