Managing Author Profiles Online

Overview of ORCID, Google Scholar Citations, Web of Science ResearcherID, and Scopus Author profiles.

Adding Content

Types of Works in ORCID

You may keep track of a wide range of scholarly outputs in your ORCID profile as seen on the image below. In particular, an ORCID profile may be used as a tool for early career scholars to showcase their works. You have full control over privacy settings for each of your works.


Types of works in ORCID

Add Publications & Grants to Your ORCID Profile

You may populate your ORCID profile by:

  • Searching CrossRef, DataCite and other sources that support DOIs.  CrossRef may be overwhelming when trying to find your publications.
  • Creating  ResearcherID (in Web of Science from Clarivate Analytics (formerly ThomsonReuters / ISI)) and/or free Scopus Author ID (from Elsevier) profiles and authorizing data exchange with ORCID.
  • Adding your works manually.
  • Importing BibTex files from Google Scholar or reference managers such as EndNote.

Depending on a discipline, stage of the academic career, and number of publications, it may be more productive to first create and populate ResearcherID and/or free Scopus Author ID profiles, exchange the publication data with ORCID, and then manually de-duplicate records. During de-duping, we recommend giving preference to entries from CrossRef, Web of Science, or Scopus due to lower quality of metadata of Google Scholar records.

Newly-published works will automatically appear in your ORCID profile if the publisher requested an ORCID iD during manuscript submission process.

Assign a Delegate to Update Your ORCID

  • Sign in to your ORCID account. Go to “Account Settings.”
  • Scroll to “Trusted Individuals” and search for ORCID users to add.
  • Search the designated person with her/his ORCID ID. Click “Search.”
  • Click “Add” then, when prompted, click “Add” again to add the person as a trusted individual.

Note - When you assign someone as a trusted individual, they must have permission to update your ORCID record on your behalf and must also be an ORCID user.