Managing Author Profiles Online

Overview of ORCID, Google Scholar Citations, Web of Science ResearcherID, and Scopus Author profiles.

Create a Google Scholar Profile

  1. Create or use an existing Gmail or Google account.
  2. Go to Google Scholar Make sure that you are signed in your Gmail / Google in the top right corner.
  3. Click on My Profile in the top left header.  You will be prompted to create your Google Scholar Profile account.
  4. Verify your email in your UTSA email inbox.
  5. Click on the pencil icon next to your name to open the Edit mode. You may add up to three name variants if you published under different names in the past.

add name variants to Google Scholar


  1. Add keywords for your research interests and make your profile public.
  2. Add the works that have been found by Google to your profile.
  3. Review the works that appear on your Google Scholar Profile to confirm that they were correctly attributed.  Select the works that were not authored by you by using the checkboxes on the left and remove them.
  4. Add other works manually if they were not found by Google Scholar.

Google Scholar profile editing bar


  1. If you have a common name, go to Configure article updates and select "Don't automatically update my profile." Otherwise, works by other authors with the same name may be added to your profile.

  1. To edit your profile in the future, click on the menu icon  in the top left corner and go to My Profile.

Delete a Google Scholar Profile

To delete your duplicate Google Scholar profile, follow these steps:

  1. Login to Google Scholar.
  2. Click on the menu in the top left corner > Settings > Account.
  3. Click on Delete Scholar account and confirm your choices.

delete google scholar account

About Google Scholar Profiles

  An author can create a Google Scholar Citations profile based on a personal Gmail or Google account. 

  Make your profile public and increase your visibility in the most widely used search tool for academic research worldwide.

  Types of works indexed in Google Scholar: journal articles, scholarly book chapters, conference presentations, working papers, preprints, content from institutional repositories, patents, and more.

  Obtain citation metrics to your publications in Google Scholar. 

  Get your h-index calculated by Google Scholar.

  Find collaborators.

  Receive alerts about new publications based on keywords in your profile.

  Export your citations to ORCID via BibTex. 

Google Scholar Profile Example

Google Scholar Citations sample profile