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Managing Author Profiles Online
ORCID (‘or-kid) (which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a free, unique, persistent identifier (PID) for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
Why Get an ORCID?
- It is non-proprietary and stays with you throughout your career.
- Helps disambiguate researchers with similar names and improves correct attribution of your work.
- Ensures your work is discoverable online.
- Required by an increasing number of grant funders and publishers.
- Required by UTSA Office of Research.
- May reduce admin burden when used to auto-populate manuscript submission or grant application forms.
Learn More
- ORCID for ResearchersVisit this page to learn about the benefits for researchers, how to register and optimize your ORCID profile, and get help.
ORCID and ORCID iD are often used interchangeably. However, ORCID provides brand guidelines on using correct terminology when talking or writing about ORCID:
- ORCID as a noun should be used to refer to the organization.
- ORCID iD or ORCID identifier is a 16-digit unique identifier number.
- ORCID record or ORCID profile refer to the information in the ORCID Registry such as name variants, bio, employment, education, awards, works, etc.
- ORCID Brand GuidelinesLearn how to correctly use the ORCID and ORCID iD names, logos, etc.
Register for ORCID iD
- Create Your ORCID iDAn easy five-step process to create your free personal ORCID iD.
Sign into ORCID via UTSA SSO
After you create your ORCID iD, you may sign into your ORCID using your personal login or through UTSA SSO using your abc123.
Enter University of Texas at San Antonio under Organization Name, select it from the drop down, and click Continue. You will be prompted to authorize access to your personal account through institutional login.
Populate ORCID Profile
After your ORCID iD is created, you may enhance your ORCID record by:
- Adding variants of your name, other online profiles, a bio sketch, employment, education and qualifications, and professional activities.
- Adding Funding and Works through Search & Link options or manually.
- Peer-review activity is only added automatically through integrations with Web of Science or other trusted organizations.
- Getting Started with Your ORCID RecordInstructions on adding information to different sections of your ORCID.
Add Affiliation
You can add a place of the current or prior employment.
- Go to Employment section and click on the + Add on the bar.
- In the Organization field, start typing The University of Texas at San Antonio. In the dropdown, select The University of Texas at San Antonio. The standardized names of organizations are sourced from ROR, a registry of research organizations. It should have an "Identify as" notation as seen below:
- Add AffiliationSteps for adding affiliation information to your ORCID profile.
Add Works to Your ORCID
Works are your research and scholarship outputs, including publications, data sets, conference presentations, patents, artistic performances, and more.
There are five different options to add works to your ORCID record: Search & Link or Add BibTex for multiple works at a time, and Add DOI, Add PubMed ID, for Add manually for single works.
Adding works via Search & Link ensures higher quality metadata for your works.
Search & Link Wizards
Import multiple works at a time to your ORCID by authorizing trusted connections with other systems. Once you authorize the connections, newly-published works with DOI will automatically appear in your ORCID profile if the publisher requested an ORCID iD during manuscript submission process.
Review this list of Search & Link integrations and start with CrossRef, Scopus Author ID, ResearcherID, and DataCite.
You can also authorize trusted connections directly from Web of Science and Scopus (please note that UTSA does not have a subscription to Scopus).
- Scopus Author Profile and ORCIDAuthorize data exchange between Scopus Author profile and ORCID.
Add Funding
You may add funding information using Search & Link wizard or manually.
Assign a Trusted Delegate
You may assign a trusted individual to make updates to your ORCID. They must have permission to update your ORCID record on your behalf and must also be an ORCID user.
Display ORCID
You may add ORCID to your email signature, personal webpage, CV, online profiles, etc. ORCID provides guidelines and example HTML code for consistent user experience.
Get Help & FAQs
You are welcome to reach with any ORCID-related questions to Natasha.Arguello@utsa.edu or Emily.Hayward@utsa.edu.