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Head of Research Engagement and Scholarly Communication
Key Resources in Economics
- EconLit (EBSCO) This link opens in a new windowvia EBSCO. American Economic Association's database for references to economic literature back to 1969. Indexes and abstracts journal articles and books on economics, as well as Cambridge University Press Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics. Also provides citations for dissertations and articles from collective volumes and full-text book reviews from the Journal of Economic Literature. Updated monthly. Full Text.
- New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online This link opens in a new windowContains all articles from 8 volumes of the 2008 print edition and 4 volumes of the classic 1987 edition. Includes quarterly updates and additions. Articles are written by prominent economists from across the spectrum of methodological and ideological schools.
- OECD iLibrary This link opens in a new windowOECD interactive statistics for main economic indicators, indicators of industry and services, trade, labor, main science and technology indicators and more. Coverage varies, some from 1970.
- NBER Working Papers This link opens in a new windowFull text access to research papers published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, including titles from the Working Papers, Technical Working Papers, and Development of the American Economy series. Coverage: 1994-current. Updated regularly. Full Text.
- Conference Board Research Collection This link opens in a new windowProvides over 300 full-text management and analytical reports published by the Conference Board on topics and issues in business management and U.S. and global economics. Includes three annual studies (Top Executive Compensation, Corporate Contributions, and Directorship Compensation and Board Practices), a monthly newsletter on economic conditions (StraightTalk), and current news releases on economic indicators.
- Wiley Online Library This link opens in a new window
Provides access to journal articles, e-books, book chapters and major reference works published by Wiley in science, technology, medicine, business, humanities and social sciences. Significant full text.
- World Development Indicators (WDI) This link opens in a new windowWorld Bank collection of global development indicators and time series compiled from officially recognized international sources. Data includes demographic, social, economic, financial, natural resources, and environmental indicators for nations and country groups. Data can be viewed online in tables, charts, and maps or exported for use offline. Updated quarterly. 1960 through current -1 year.
- Investopedia EconomicsKey economic concepts explained in layperson's language.
- Investopedia Guide to EconomicsA series providing introduction to economic concepts.
- History of Economic ThoughtMaintained by Gonçalo L. Fonseca. Provides an overview of historical economic schools of thought.
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eBooks- Google ScholarUse as a broad discovery tool for scholarly articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, working papers and more. Click on Available @UTSA link to connect to full text provided by UTSA Libraries subscriptions.
- Resources for Economists (RFE)Browse over 2,000 resources in 97 sections and sub-sections of interest to economists compiled by Bill Goffe (Penn State).
- EconBizJournals, working papers and conferences in business studies and economics
Economic Policy Think Tanks
- Global Go To Think Tank ReportsBy University of Pennsylvania, Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program. Annual rankings by region, area of research, special achievement, and global (since 2008).