Social Work

Online Citation Generators

Database citation help

Many of the databases you use to find online articles, videos and e-books will have a citation function.  Look for an icon that says Citation Tools, Cite this!, or something similar.  Many of them will let you choose the style (APA, for example) that you need.  You can then cut and paste the citation into your document. Many of these databases will now export the citation in APA style to bibliographic software such as Endnote.

Bibliographic Management Software

Programs such as Endnote and Zotero let you build collections of citations and then generate bibliographies.  UTSA provides copies of Endnote to members of the unviersity community.

APA Style for Citation

Social Work as a discipline uses the APA style for formatting papers, citations in the text of the paper, and the reference list.  When people refer to "APA style" they mean the guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association  

APA Style guides

There are many print copies of the APA Manual in the UTSA Libraries, including many held on reserve so that anyone can consult them when needed.  There are also copies in the Graduate Reading Room in the Downtown Campus Library.

There are also useful online guides and tutorials for APA, including: