Open Science

A guide to open science principles.

Open Science & the Sharing Stage

Openly sharing research results and data is a core tenet of open science.  Ensuring transparency and access improves reproducibility and wikimedia commons icon for science sharinglimits unnecessary reproduction of studies that have already been attempted, leading researchers to more fruitful areas of investigation.  Depositing your manuscript in a scholarly repository allows others to freely access and view your research.  Data can similarly be shared by being hosted in a data repository of your choosing. Depositing your manuscript or dataset can make your work more visible online and help meet public access mandates for federally-funded research.



Image by DataBase Center for Life Science, from Wikimedia Commons

Scholarly Repositories

General Purpose Scholarly Repositories
Directories for Subject-Specific Scholarly Repositories

Not sure where to find a repository related to your subject area? Start here.

Scholarly Repositories (Discipline-Specific)

Biomedicine & Life Sciences
Physics, Mathematics, & Computer Science

Data Repositories

Data Repository Directories

Not sure where to find a data repository?  You can use the below directories to find one that best suits your subject area.

General-Purpose Data Repositories