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PAD 3003, 3033, 3043
Fundraising in Nonprofit Agencies
Introduction to Nonprofit Agencies
Public and Nonprofit Financial Management
Guidelines for Improving the Effectiveness of Boards of Directors of Nonprofit Organizations by Vic Murray and Yvonne Harrison
The purpose of this book is to help boards of directors of nonprofit organizations improve their performance after completing the Board Check-Up, online board performance self-assessment tool found at www.boardcheckup.com. This book is also valuable as a stand-alone resource for any board seeking to assess its performance in that it contains the diagnostic questions on which the online self-assessment tool is based. It goes further by providing a framework for boards to use in discussing needed changes in board performance. It also forms an integral part of a University at Albany, SUNY online course titled, The Governance of Nonprofit Organizations. This massive open online course (MOOC) can be taken for free or academic credit through Coursera’s online teaching and learning platform. For more information about this book, the Board Check-Up, and the nonprofit governance MOOC, please contact Prof. Yvonne Harrison at yharrison@albany.edu.Financial Strategy for Public Managers by Sharon Kioko and Justin Marlowe
Book Description: Financial Strategy for Public Managers is a new generation textbook for financial management in the public sector. It offers a thorough, applied, and concise introduction to the essential financial concepts and analytical tools that today’s effective public servants need to know.
PAD 3023, 3053
Introduction to Urban Management and Policy
Urban Economic Development
American Government by Timothy O. Lenz; Mirya Holman
ISBN: 9781616101633Publication Date: 2013-08-16From Florida Atlantic university Department of Political Science comes an exciting new book that explores the role of government, politics, and policy ion American lives. Full of real life applications and scenarios, Lenz and Holmans provide a text intended to encourage and enable political thinking (a reflective stance toward the world that helps a person to critically consider and participate in politics). Numerous hyperlinks send students into real world websites for illumination and exploration.American Government 2e by OpenStax
ISBN: 9781938168178Publication Date: 2020-01-13Designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the single-semester American Government course. This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning, including Insider Perspective features and a Get Connected module that shows students how they can get engaged in the political process. The book provides an important opportunity for students to learn the core concepts of American Government and understand how those concepts apply to their lives and the world around them.State and Local Government and Politics: Prospects for Sustainability by Authors: Christopher A. Simon; Brent S. Steel; and Nicholas P. Lovrich
Book Description: This book is a collective effort to understand and apply current conceptualizations of sustainability to a study of state and local government. It is an attempt to focus our attention on a basic understanding of the time-tested institutions and guiding principles likely to take society and governance towards greater advancement. Our work is, however, tempered by a developing understanding of smart growth — growth in productive capacity, quality of life and social justice that does not necessitate large-scale destructive or extractive activity. The growth sought produces widespread mutual benefit, is prudent in design and thoughtful in execution. The growth in question here is mindful of the past, yet builds better lives and futures for our posterity.
- MIT Open Courseware Urban Studies and PlanningMIT's extensive list of open Urban Studies courses includes Environmental Justice, Policy and Planning materials. Lectures, quizzes, exams, problem sets and in some cases entire etextbooks are available for use in the classroom or as supporting materials.
- iCivicsFounded by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, "iCivics teaches students how government works by having them experience it directly. Through our games, the player steps into any role – a judge, a member of Congress, a community activist fighting for local change, even the President of the United States – and does the job they do. Educational video games allow for concepts to happen to us. They convey information while teaching skills for effective civic engagement."
PAD 3163
Analysis and Assessment for Public Administration
Analytic Techniques for Public Management and Policy by Author: Jiwon N. Speers
Analytic Techniques for Public Management and Policy was written with the hope where the techniques can be used effectively to be evidence-based research and that it might encourage public management and policy researchers to inform more effective governance. This e-book is based on ordinary least squares (OLS) regression and is informed by four resources: Dr. Russell G. Almond’s statistics classes, Dr. Salih Binici’s measurement classes, Dr. Tom Cook’s quasi-experimental design workshop, and Dr. Kyoung-jun Lee’s DSS class. I am very grateful to Dr. Almond at the FSU, Dr. Binici at the Florida State Department of Education, Dr. Cook at Northwestern University, and Dr. Lee at Kyung Hee University.