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PSY 1013
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Psychology by Charles Stangor
ISBN: 9781936126484Publication Date: 2015Introduction to Psychology is adapted from a work produced by a publisher who has requested that they and the original author not receive attribution. This adapted edition is produced by the University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing through the eLearning Support Initiative. When you teach Introduction to Psychology, do you find it difficult — much harder than teaching classes in statistics or research methods? Do you easily give a lecture on the sympathetic nervous system, a lecture on Piaget, and a lecture on social cognition, but struggle with linking these topics together for the student? Do you feel like you are presenting a laundry list of research findings rather than an integrated set of principles and knowledge? Have you wondered how to ensure your course is relevant to your students? Introduction to Psychology utilizes the dual theme of behavior and empiricism to make psychology relevant to intro students. The author wrote this book to help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. Five or ten years from now, he does not expect his students to remember the details of most of what he teaches them. However, he does hope that they will remember that psychology matters because it helps us understand behavior and that our knowledge of psychology is based on empirical study.Psychology by OpenStax College
ISBN: 1938168356Publication Date: 2020-02-17Provides an important opportunity for students to learn the core concepts of psychology and understand how those concepts apply to their lives. A comprehensive coverage of core concepts is grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research, including coverage of the DSM-5 in discussions of psychological disorders.Psychology: The Science of Human Potential by Jeffrey Levy
Publication Date: 2019he first chapter provides an overview of the textbook and reviews the history of psychology and its methodology. Psychology is described as a science studying how hereditary (nature) and experiential (nurture) variables interact to influence the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of individuals. The remainder of the text will be organized in sections entitled “Mostly Nature” (Biological Psychology; Sensation & Perception; Motivation & Emotion), “Mostly Nurture” (Direct Learning; Indirect Learning (i.e., observational learning and language); Cognition), and “Nature/Nurture” (Human Development; Personality; Social Psychology; Maladaptive Behavior; Professional Psychology and Human Potential).
- NobaNoba is an online platform that provides open, ready-made psychology textbooks and the opportunity to build a textbook from freely available chapters. Users must create an account to use Noba.
- General Psychology Open Course LibraryGeneral Psychology surveys the knowledge and methods of the discipline of psychology. Emphasis will be placed upon application of psychological knowledge to daily situations, and upon accessing and assessing information from a variety of sources about behavior. Skills in scientific reasoning and critical thinking will be developed during this course. Areas of psychology to be included are: research methods, neuroscience, human development, perception, consciousness, learning, memory, intelligence, motivation, emotion, personality, psychological disorders, psychotherapy, stress and health, and social psychology.
- Great Ideas in Psychology by Todd DanielFree podcasts covering important ideas in psychology. Ideas include: philosophy of psychology, science of psychology, scientific method, consciousness, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, memory, Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and so much more.Todd Daniel is a Professor at Missouri State University. http://www.missouristate.edu/provost/117582.htm
- Introduction to Psychology MIT OpenCoursewareThis course is a survey of the scientific study of human nature, including how the mind works, and how the brain supports the mind. Topics include the mental and neural bases of perception, emotion, learning, memory, cognition, child development, personality, psychopathology, and social interaction. Students will consider how such knowledge relates to debates about nature and nurture, free will, consciousness, human differences, self, and society.
- OpenStax Instructor Resources Intro to PsychologyIncludes a getting started guide, sample syllabus language, instructor solution guide, supplemental test items, Powerpoint slides, iBooks comp copy assessment bank, and more. Must register for a faculty login to access.
- The Psych FilesPsychologist Michael Britt has created this podcast for all those interested in the topic of psychology and how psychological theory can be seen in everyday life. Dr. Britt brings a lively, unique delivery to all topics in the field of psychology, from Freudian theory to how statistics are used to understand human behavior. Concept maps are often included, as are links to online video that many people, especially students of psychology, will find interesting.
- Films on Demand - Psychology This link opens in a new windowDocumentary films in psychology and related areas.
- Psychology and Counseling (Alexander Street) This link opens in a new windowDocumentary films in psychology and counseling.
PSY 2073
Statistics for Psychology
Answering Questions with Data: Introductory Statistics for Psychology Students by Matthew J. C. Crump
Publication Date: 2018This is a free textbook teaching introductory statistics for undergraduates in Psychology. This textbook is part of a larger OER course package for teaching undergraduate statistics in Psychology, including this textbook, a lab manual, and a course website. All of the materials are free and copiable, with source code maintained in Github repositories.An Introduction to Psychological Statistics by Garett C. Foster, David Lane, David Scott, Mikki Hebl, Rudy Guerra, Dan Osherson, Heidi Zimmer
Publication Date: 2018We are constantly bombarded by information, and finding a way to filter that information in an objective way is crucial to surviving this onslaught with your sanity intact. This is what statistics, and logic we use in it, enables us to do. Through the lens of statistics, we learn to find the signal hidden in the noise when it is there and to know when an apparent trend or pattern is really just randomness. The study of statistics involves math and relies upon calculations of numbers. But it also relies heavily on how the numbers are chosen and how the statistics are interpreted.Introductory Statistics by Barbara Illowsky; Susan Dean
ISBN: 1938168208Publication Date: 2020-01-10Introductory Statistics follows the scope and sequence of a one-semester, introduction to statistics course and is geared toward students majoring in fields other than math or engineering. This text assumes students have been exposed to intermediate algebra, and it focuses on the applications of statistical knowledge rather than the theory behind it.OpenIntro Statistics by David Diez, Harvard School of Public Health Christopher Barr, Harvard School of Public Health Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, Duke University
Publication Date: 2012OpenIntro Statistics strives to be a complete introductory textbook of the highest caliber. Its core derives from the classic notions of statistics education and is extended by recent innovations. The textbook meets high quality standards and has been used at Princeton, Vanderbilt, UMass Amherst, and many other schools.Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices by Anol Bhattacherjee
Publication Date: 2012This book is designed to introduce doctoral and graduate students to the process of scientific research in the social sciences, business, education, public health, and related disciplines. This book is based on my lecture materials developed over a decade of teaching the doctoral-level class on Research Methods at the University of South Florida. The target audience for this book includes Ph.D. and graduate students, junior researchers, and professors teaching courses on research methods, although senior researchers can also use this book as a handy and compact reference.
- Online Statistics: An Interactive Multimedia Course of StudyOnline Statistics: An Interactive Multimedia Course of Study is an introductory-level statistics book. The material is presented both as a standard textbook and as a multimedia presentation. The book features interactive demonstrations and simulations, case studies, and an analysis lab.
- Introduction to Statistics Lumen LearningThis course blends Introductory Statistics from OpenStax with other OER to offer a first course in statistics intended for students majoring in fields other than mathematics and engineering. This course assumes students have been exposed to intermediate algebra, and it focuses on the applications of statistical knowledge rather than the theory behind it. The foundation of the OpenStax text is Collaborative Statistics, by Barbara Illowsky and Susan Dean. The development choices for this textbook were made with the guidance of many faculty members who are deeply involved in teaching this course. These choices led to innovations in art, terminology, and practical applications, all with a goal of increasing relevance and accessibility for students. We strove to make the discipline meaningful, so that students can draw from it a working knowledge that will enrich their future studies and help them make sense of the world around them.
- Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) This link opens in a new windowJoVE features a multidisciplinary video collection dedicated to both research and education in the sciences. JoVE Research offers peer-reviewed video articles that visually present scientific research methodologies and findings and includes JoVE Journal and JoVE Encyclopedia of Experiments. JoVE Education delivers simple, easy-to-understand video demonstrations that teach fundamental research techniques through JoVE Core, JoVE Science Education, and JoVE Lab Manual.
PSY 2503
Developmental Psychology
Psychology by OpenStax College
ISBN: 1938168356Publication Date: 2020-02-17Provides an important opportunity for students to learn the core concepts of psychology and understand how those concepts apply to their lives. A comprehensive coverage of core concepts is grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research, including coverage of the DSM-5 in discussions of psychological disorders.Psychology: The Science of Human Potential by Jeffrey Levy
Publication Date: 2019he first chapter provides an overview of the textbook and reviews the history of psychology and its methodology. Psychology is described as a science studying how hereditary (nature) and experiential (nurture) variables interact to influence the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of individuals. The remainder of the text will be organized in sections entitled “Mostly Nature” (Biological Psychology; Sensation & Perception; Motivation & Emotion), “Mostly Nurture” (Direct Learning; Indirect Learning (i.e., observational learning and language); Cognition), and “Nature/Nurture” (Human Development; Personality; Social Psychology; Maladaptive Behavior; Professional Psychology and Human Potential).
- Introduction to Developmental PsychologyDevelopmental psychology, also known as Human Development, is the scientific study of progressive psychological changes that occur in human beings as they age. Originally concerned with infants and children, and later other periods of great change such as adolescence and aging, it now encompasses the entire life span. This field examines change across a broad range of topics including motor skills and other psycho-physiological processes, problem solving abilities, conceptual understanding, acquisition of language, moral understanding, and identity formation
- Infant and Early Childhood Cognition MIT Open CoursewareThis course is an introduction to cognitive development focusing on children's understanding of objects, agents, and causality. It develops a critical understanding of experimental design. The course discusses how developmental research might address philosophical questions about the origins of knowledge, appearance and reality, and the problem of other minds. It provides instruction and practice in written communication as needed for cognitive science research (including critical reviews of journal papers, a literature review and an original research proposal), as well as instruction and practice in oral communication in the form of a poster presentation of a journal paper.
- Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) This link opens in a new windowJoVE features a multidisciplinary video collection dedicated to both research and education in the sciences. JoVE Research offers peer-reviewed video articles that visually present scientific research methodologies and findings and includes JoVE Journal and JoVE Encyclopedia of Experiments. JoVE Education delivers simple, easy-to-understand video demonstrations that teach fundamental research techniques through JoVE Core, JoVE Science Education, and JoVE Lab Manual.
PSY 2513
Abnormal Psychology
Psychology: The Science of Human Potential by Jeffrey Levy
Publication Date: 2019he first chapter provides an overview of the textbook and reviews the history of psychology and its methodology. Psychology is described as a science studying how hereditary (nature) and experiential (nurture) variables interact to influence the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of individuals. The remainder of the text will be organized in sections entitled “Mostly Nature” (Biological Psychology; Sensation & Perception; Motivation & Emotion), “Mostly Nurture” (Direct Learning; Indirect Learning (i.e., observational learning and language); Cognition), and “Nature/Nurture” (Human Development; Personality; Social Psychology; Maladaptive Behavior; Professional Psychology and Human Potential).
- Abnormal Psychology: An E-TextThis wiki is an ongoing collaboration between Dr. Caleb Lack and students at the University of Central Oklahoma and Arkansas Tech University. So far, over 300 students have spent eight semesters and thousands of hours in contributing to this wiki. The purpose of this wiki is to offer an alternative to the often quite expensive textbooks used in most undergraduate abnormal psychology courses by creating a user-driven, interactive online text. The wiki covers a larger number of topics than traditional texts, allowing professors and students to focus on their own interests
- NobaNoba is an online platform that provides open, ready-made psychology textbooks and the opportunity to build a textbook from freely available chapters. Users must create an account to use Noba.
- Psych FilesPodcasts that range from 10 minutes to 45 minutes in length that talks about Psychology in every day life. Topics covered: Gamification, media bias and misunderstanding about how science works, validity of psychological testing, and so much more. Some podcasts include graphics.Dr. Michael Britt brings you an upbeat, fun podcast for everyone from psychology majors and those just interested in why people do what they do in every day life.
- Recognizing Mental IllnessesThis learning project is useful for any health professional in understanding and becoming more knowledgeable about mental illnesses and their implications in health care settings.
- The World of Abnormal Psychology AnnenbergLearnerOne part of a video instructional series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners.http://www.learner.org/resources/series60.html
- DSM Library This link opens in a new windowContains the DSM-5, the most current resource for diagnosing and assessing mental disorders. Also included are the DSM-5 Handbook of Differential Diagnosis, a resource for students and clinicians learning the process of psychiatric diagnosis, and DSM-5 Clinical Case Studies which represent the mental disorders presented in the DSM-5 and provide diagnostic concepts, symptoms and severity of each disorder, comorbidities, age of onset and development, dimensionality across disorders, and gender and cultural implications.
- Counseling and Therapy in Video (Alexander Street) This link opens in a new windowAccess to over 1500 online videos for the study of social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling. Includes counseling sessions and demonstrations; expert consultations; lectures, presentations, and interviews of well-known therapists; and teaching & discussion guides.
- Films on Demand - Sociology This link opens in a new windowDocumentary films in sociology and related areas.
PSY 3403
Experimental Psychology
Research Methods in Psychology by Carrie Cuttler, Rajiv S. Jhangiani, Kwantlen, Dana C. Leighton,
ISBN: 9781999198107Publication Date: 2016The overarching goal of this textbook is to present the basics of psychological research methods — focusing on the concepts and skills that are most widely shared within the discipline — emphasizing both their centrality to our field and their contribution to our understanding of human behavior. The book will include several features that will help accomplish this overarching goal.
- NobaNoba is an online platform that provides open, ready-made psychology textbooks and the opportunity to build a textbook from freely available chapters. Users must create an account to use Noba.
- BC Campus OpenEdA collection of open textbooks from British Columbia, this site provides access to a variety of Psychology titles.
- Psychological Research, Obedience and EthicsIn this free course, Psychological research, obedience and ethics, you will learn about the importance of ethics in research that is undertaken by psychologists. You will read about the famous study on obedience conducted by Stanley Milgram, and watch two psychologists talk about their research with meerkats and chimpanzees.
- Psych FilesPodcasts that range from 10 minutes to 45 minutes in length that talks about Psychology in every day life. Topics covered: Gamification, media bias and misunderstanding about how science works, validity of psychological testing, and so much more. Some podcasts include graphics.Dr. Michael Britt brings you an upbeat, fun podcast for everyone from psychology majors and those just interested in why people do what they do in every day life.
- Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) This link opens in a new windowJoVE features a multidisciplinary video collection dedicated to both research and education in the sciences. JoVE Research offers peer-reviewed video articles that visually present scientific research methodologies and findings and includes JoVE Journal and JoVE Encyclopedia of Experiments. JoVE Education delivers simple, easy-to-understand video demonstrations that teach fundamental research techniques through JoVE Core, JoVE Science Education, and JoVE Lab Manual.
PSY 4933 & 4936
Internship in Psychology
Introduction to Community Psychology by Leonard A. Jason, Olya Glantsman, Jack F. O'Brien
Publication Date: 2019This textbook will show you how to comprehensively analyze, investigate, and address escalating problems of economic inequality, violence, substance abuse, homelessness, poverty, and racism. It will provide you with perspectives and tools to partner with community members and organizations to promote a fair and equitable allocation of resources and opportunities.
PSY 3563
Couple and Family Psychology
Child, Family, and Community by Rebecca Laff
Publication Date: 2019Over the years researchers have found the necessity to develop theories of behavior that are specific to family settings. These theories have been developed by people with a variety of areas of emphasis, from family therapists to gerontologists to child development specialists. In this chapter we will briefly discuss six such theories: Bioecological Model, Family Systems, Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionism, and Psychological Perspectives.