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Finding Measures in the Behavioral Sciences and Education
This guide shows how to find measures in the behavioral sciences and education at the UTSA Libraries.
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Books with Measures & Assessments
Handbook of Research Design and Social Measurement by Delbert C. Miller (Editor); Neil J. Salkind (Editor)
ISBN: 9780761920465Publication Date: 2002A comprehensive introduction to qualitative methods including a review of existing computer applications for collecting and analyzing data; the latest information about the use of computers and online research techniques, including the use of the Internet to locate actual research instruments and journal articles; updated coverage on new scales, internal and external validity, and new analytic techniques with references on each; abstracts, citations and subject groupings by measurement tool of the last five years of the American Sociological Review, Social Psychology Quarterly, and the American Journal of Sociology; extensive coverage of how to prepare manuscripts for publication; new coverage of ethical issues; expansion of social indicators to include international coverage; discussion of the importance of policy research with presentation and discussion of specific models as an adjunct to both applied and basic research techniques.Handbook of Tests and Measurement in Education and the Social Sciences by Paula E. Lester; Deborah Inman; Lloyd K. Bishop
ISBN: 1610484304Publication Date: 2014Provides an introduction to basic quantitative research methods, including analysis and interpretation of statistical tests associated with each method. Examples of qualitative designs and mixed methods research are also included. Each instrument is discussed in detail concerning its measurement characteristics used in its development. Detailed chapter of measurement procedures used in instrumentation development, including the appropriate application of reliability and validity tests, item analysis, and factor analysis with analysis and interpretation of research data. Expanded section of actual research instruments available for measurement purposes in education and social science research, including Instruments available through Commercial Organizations.Tests: A Comprehensive Reference for Assessments in Psychology, Education, and Business by Taddy Maddox
ISBN: 9781416403401Publication Date: 2007Present concise descriptions for psychologists, educators, human resource personnel, students, librarians, and other nonspecialists who need to familiarize themselves with the broad range of available tests in the English language. Some Spanish language tests are also included.Measures for Clinical Practice and Research: A Sourcebook by Fischer, Joel; Corcoran, Kevin
ISBN: 0195314905Publication Date: 2007This all-in-one sourcebook has dozens of new scales as well as updated information for existing instruments, expanding and cementing its utility for members of all the helping professions, including psychology, social work, psychiatry, counseling, nursing, and medicine. Each instrument is reproduced in its entirety and critiqued by the editors, who provide guidance on how to select and score them. This volume focuses on scales for use with adults; its companion provides a range for couples, families, and children.Test Critiques by Daniel J. Keyser (Editor); Richard C. Sweetland (Editor)
ISBN: 0890795967Publication Date: 1994Established educational and psychological tests are reviewed in these first two volumes of a proposed series. Each review follow the same format: a historical introduction, practical applications/uses, technical aspects, critique, and references. The reference sections are brief, but usually contemporary. The volumes fit their intended place as a readable resource for students and test users. All technical terms are clearly explained. Volume 2 contains three indexes covering the tests critiqued in both volumes: an index of test titles; an index of test publishers, including addresses and phone numbers; and an index of test authors and reviewers.Program Evaluation in Social Research by Jonathan A. Morell
ISBN: 9781483149950Publication Date: 2013Useful resource for sociologists, social scientists, and social researchers, this book presents a plan for developing evaluation into a form of applied social research that is methodologically sound, relevant to the problems of society and built on a technological (as opposed to a scientific) model. The types of evaluation that are carried out are introduced, assessing the relative merits of each, and how to optimize the validity and utility of each type. This book also focuses on the frictions that arise during the implementation of program evaluation as a profession, and how evaluation can be developed into a relevant method of guiding social innovations.Social Measurement Through Social Surveys: An Applied Approach by Martin Bulmer; Julie Gibbs; Laura Hyman
ISBN: 1409411842Publication Date: 2010This book offers an overview of both new and practiced methods of social measurement for quantitative survey research. It will provide readers looking to investigate OC hotOCO social science topics with a way of learning how key measurement techniques can be utilized in that topic in a practical way.
Assessment in Counseling: A Guide to the Use of Psychological Assessment Procedures by Anne Marie Wheeler; Burt Bertram
ISBN: 9781119019268Publication Date: 2014Updates on the basic principles of psychological assessment, recent changes in assessment procedures, and the most widely used tests relevant to counseling practice today. Including chapter pretests, summaries, and review questions; self-development and reflection activities; client case examples; practitioner perspectives illustrating assessment in action and tip sheets. Assessment instruments examining intelligence, academic aptitude and achievement, career and life planning, personal interests and values, personality, and interpersonal relationships are described. Also discussed are specialized mental health assessments for substance abuse, depression, anxiety, anger, self-injury, eating disorders, suicide risk, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.Statistical Methods for Validation of Assessment Scale Data in Counseling and Related Fields by Dimiter M. Dimitrov
ISBN: 9781119019299Publication Date: 2014Presents step-by-step guidance on contemporary methodological principles, statistical methods, and psychometric procedures that are useful in the development or validation of assessment scale data. Numerous examples, tables, and figures provided throughout the text illustrate the underlying principles of measurement in a clear and concise manner for practical application. In Part I, measurement scales, reliability, and the unified construct-based model of validity are discussed, along with key steps in instrument development. Part II describes factor analyses in construct validation, including exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and models of multi-trait and multi-method data analysis. Traditional and Rasch-based analyses of binary and rating scales are examined in Part III.Clinical Assessment and Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorders by Johnny L. Matson
ISBN: 9780080559803Publication Date: 2011Summarizing evidence-based assessments and intervention for Autism across the life-span, the book provides clinicians with a practical overview of how best to assess and treat this disorder. The book also provides a chapter on differential diagnosis of autism relative to other disorders, followed by separate sections on assessment and intervention. These chapters discuss first how to assess and then separately how to treat behavioral problems, communication and social skills issues, academic and vocational skills, and the use of pharmacology and an assessment of possible pharmacological effects.A Counselor's Guide to Career Assessment Instruments by Whitfield, Edwin A; Feller, Rich; Wood, Chris
ISBN: 1885333242Publication Date: 2009, 5th Ed.A resource for counselors, career development facilitators, school counselors, and other career development professionals working in a variety of settings. Reviews of instruments and chapters by leading experts in the field.
Assessing Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students: A Practical Guide by Robert L. Rhodes; Salvador Hector Ochoa; Samuel O. Ortiz
ISBN: 9781606231876Publication Date: 2012Presents a practical, problem-solving approach and hands-on tools and techniques for assessing English language learners and culturally diverse students in K-12 settings. Provided are research-based, step-by-step procedures for conducting effective interviews with students, parents, and teachers; making the best use of interpreters; addressing special issues in the pre-referral process; and conducting accurate, unbiased assessments of academic achievement, intellectual functioning, language proficiency, and acculturation. Special features include reproducible worksheets, questionnaires, and checklists--including several in both English and Spanish--in a ready-to-use, large-size format. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series.Assessment in Early Childhood Education by Sue C. Wortham; Belinda Hardin
ISBN: 0133802914Publication Date: 2016This comprehensive text helps prepare future and current teachers to measure or evaluate children in early childhood, to become fully informed about the range of assessment possibilities available, and to learn how those techniques and instruments can be most beneficial to the children in their classrooms. The approach of the authors is to present the development of an assessment system that includes traditional as well as authentic assessment strategies in a comprehensive plan and to seek to inform about all types of assessments and their appropriate use. The Enhanced Pearson eText features embedded video and assessments.
NOTE: This is the bound book only and does not include access to the Enhanced Pearson eText. To order the Enhanced Pearson eText packaged with a bound book, use ISBN 0134057287.Multifaceted Assessment for Early Childhood Education by Robert J. J. Wright
ISBN: 1452267456Publication Date: 2009Covers the various measures used in a range of assessment dimensions, and includes valuable information regarding young children with special needs and English Language Learners. The chapters are focused on student accessibility and include practical applications of key concepts with a range of assessments, including: Formative; Summative; Authentic; Standardized. Includes coverage of assessment for English language learners and children with special needs.Essentials of Gifted Assessment by Steven I. Pfeiffer
ISBN: 1118705645Publication Date: 2015Introduces readers to the theory and practice underlying gifted assessment, discussing what it means to be gifted, why we should identify gifted students, and the purposes of gifted assessment. The book examines key principles of gifted assessment and provides an up-to-date overview of gifted assessment measures. Topics include the use of local norms, measuring creativity and motivation, nonverbal measures, the importance of recurring gifted assessment, multi-potentiality, gifted testing and minority group students, and evaluating the twice-exceptional student. The book also includes extensive illustrative material, such as callout boxes and case examples, that facilitate use as a quick reference, plus end-of-chapter "Test Yourself" questions that help reinforce key concepts.Instrument Development in the Affective Domain: School and Corporate Applications by D. Betsy Mccoach; Robert K. Gable; John P. Madura
ISBN: 9781461471356Publication Date: 2013Presents instrument development and evaluation, covering both its conceptual and technical aspects. The book is written to be accessible with the minimum of statistical background, and reviews affective constructs from a measurement standpoint. Examples are drawn from academic and business settings for insights into design as well as the relevance of affective measures to educational and corporate testing. This analysis of all phases of the design process includes: measurement, scaling, and item-writing techniques. Validity issues: collecting evidence based on instrument content. Testing the internal structure of an instrument: exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses; measurement invariance and other advanced methods for examining internal structure. Strengthening the validity argument: relationships to external variables, and addressing reliability issues.Validity in Educational and Psychological Assessment by Paul E. Newton; Stuart D. Shaw
ISBN: 1446253236Publication Date: 2014This book investigates how the concept of validity has evolved from the nineteenth century to the present day. Communicating complicated concepts straightforwardly, the authors answer questions like: What does 'validity' mean? What does it mean to 'validate'? How many different kinds of validity are there? When does validation begin and end? Is reliability a part of validity, or distinct from it?Psychoeducational Assessment and Report Writing by Stefan Dombrowski
ISBN: 9781493919116Publication Date: 2014In-depth instruction for conducting psychoeducational assessments of children in grades K-12 and conveying results through detailed, well-written reports. Takes readers step-by-step through the assessment process - collecting data, writing reports, and communicating conclusions - for students with conditions spanning the range of IDEA classifications such as autism, learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, and conditions covered by Section 504. The book offers a broad understanding of assessment and communication skills, and the ethical, legal, cultural, and professional considerations that come with psychoeducational evaluation.Handbook of Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder by Johnny L. Matson (Editor)
ISBN: 9783319271699Publication Date: 2016This handbook details best practices and discusses ongoing challenges in assessment and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Chapters address assessment and diagnostic protocols, developmental considerations in ASD assessment, and issues concerning comorbid psychological and medical conditions. Various aspects of the disorder are emphasized throughout the handbook - from assessment in adolescent and adult populations to the latest findings in neuropsychology. The book concludes with future directions for research and clinical applications, focusing on universal screening, improved assessment methods, and earlier and more accurate diagnosis. Topics featured in this handbook include: Types of ASD assessment. Report writing for ASD evaluations. Stress and satisfaction in the diagnostic process. Clinical and neuropsychological perspectives from comorbid diagnosis of ASD and ADHD. Executive functions in ASD. The Handbook of Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder is an essential reference for researchers, clinicians, professionals, and graduate students in clinical child and school psychology, child and adolescent psychiatry, and social work as well as rehabilitation medicine/therapy, behavioral therapy, pediatrics, and educational psychology.Practitioner's Guide to Assessing Intelligence and Achievement by Jack A. Naglieri; Sam Goldstein
ISBN: 9780470488157Publication Date: 2009A complete guide to key intelligence and achievement tests and their effective use The tools used in the assessment process have changed dramatically in recent years. School and clinical psychologists need a comprehensive yet focused resource to which they can turn to learn the basics of key intelligence and achievement tests and how to use them in their assessments of children and adults. With its practical and straightforward presentation, Practitioner's Guide to Assessing Intelligence and Achievement provides that resource. Coedited by two well-known and respected scholars and researchers, Jack Naglieri and Sam Goldstein, the content in this timely book combines traditional and new conceptualizations of intelligence as well as ways to measure achievement. Truly readable and user-friendly, this book provides professionals with a single source from which to examine ability and achievement tests along the same general criteria. Each chapter is written by a leading scholar and test developer and is consistently structured for easy comparison of each test that is examined. Coverage includes: The theory underlying each test Description of each test Tips for administering and scoring each test Standardization, norms, and reliability of each scale Practical guidance for the use of each test Correspondence of each test to IDEA A practical tool designed to aid clinical psychologists in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the various tests presented, Practitioner's Guide to Assessing Intelligence and Achievement provides students and practitioners with the information they need for their practice and testing efforts to be consistent with recent updates in the field and how those assessment instruments relate to changes in the laws that influence test use.
APA Handbook of Testing and Assessment in Psychology by Kurt F. Geisinger; Bruce A. Bracken; American Psychological Association Staff (Contribution by)
ISBN: 1433812274Publication Date: 2013A comprehensive handbook of the theory and application of tests in psychology and education. It begins with an in-depth portrayal of psychometrics: the quantitative underpinning of testing. It then provides thorough, up-to-date and informative chapters related to five general application areas of testing - industrial/organizational psychology, clinical psychology (including health psychology), counseling psychology, school psychology, and educational testing.Assessing Common Mental Health and Addiction Issues with Free-Access Instruments by Bradley T. Erford; Taryn E. Richards; Katie M. Sandberg
ISBN: 9781136626968Publication Date: 2013-03-04Identifies the most efficient free access instruments and provides summary information about administration, scoring, interpretation, psychometric integrity, strengths and weaknesses. The book is organized around the most common broad range issues encountered by helping professionals, and provides a link to the instrument itself when possible. This is an essential text for all mental health professionals looking to expand the scope and range of their assessment instruments.Assessing Literacy in Deaf Individuals: Neurocognitive Measurement and Predictors by Donna A. Morere (Editor); Thomas Allen (Editor)
ISBN: 9781461452683Publication Date: 2013Introduces the VL2 Toolkit, a comprehensive test battery for assessing the academic skills and cognitive functioning of deaf persons who use sign language. Skills measured include executive functioning, memory, reading, visuospatial ability, writing fluency, math, and expressive and receptive language. Comprehensive data are provided for each, with discussion of validity and reliability issues as well as ethical and legal questions involved in the study. Background chapters explain how the Toolkit was compiled, describing the procedures of the study, its rationale, and salient characteristics of its participants. Discusses issues and challenges relating to visual representations of English, including fingerspelling and lip-reading. Features a factor analysis of the Toolkit measures to identify underlying cognitive structures in deaf learners. Reviews trends in American Sign Language assessment.Clinical Assessment and Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorders by Johnny L. Matson
ISBN: 9780080559803Publication Date: 2011Summarizing evidence-based assessments and intervention for Autism across the life-span, the book provides clinicians with a practical overview of how best to assess and treat this disorder. The book also provides a chapter on differential diagnosis of autism relative to other disorders, followed by separate sections on assessment and intervention. These chapters discuss first how to assess and then separately how to treat behavioral problems, communication and social skills issues, academic and vocational skills, and the use of pharmacology and an assessment of possible pharmacological effects.Essentials of Psychological Testing by Susana Urbina
Call Number: E-bookISBN: 9781118707258Publication Date: 2014An easy-to-understand overview of the key concepts of psychological testing. Fully updated and revised, the second edition of Essentials of Psychological Testing surveys the basic principles of psychometrics, succinctly presents the information needed to understand and evaluate tests, and introduces readers to the major contemporary reference works in the field. This engaging, practical overview of the most relevant psychometric concepts and techniques provides the foundation necessary for advanced study in the field of psychological assessment.Guide to Psychological Assessment with Hispanics by Lorraine T. Benuto (Editor)
ISBN: 1461444128Publication Date: 2013This book focuses on diversity, culture, and ethnicity as they relate to psychological assessment of Hispanics. It is a how-to guide for clinicians, researchers, and instructors working with Hispanic clients. Each chapter contains an overview of cultural considerations needed for assessing the Hispanic client followed by a specific exploration of the assessment measures available and the research that has been conducted on these measures with Hispanic participants. An exploration of the strengths and limitations of each assessment measure is included. A more specific exploration of psycho-diagnostic assessment measures follows, including the assessment of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, sexual dysfunction, psychosis, etc.Handbook of Interpersonal Psychology: Theory, Research, Assessment, and Therapeutic Interventions by Leonard M. Horowitz (Editor); Stephen Strack (Editor)
ISBN: 0470881038Publication Date: 2010Examines the history of interpersonal psychology and explores influential theories of normal-abnormal behaviors, widely-used assessment measures, recent methodological advances, and current interpersonal strategies for changing problematic behaviors. Featuring original contributions from field luminaries including Aaron Pincus, John Clarkin, David Buss, Louis Castonguay, and Theodore Millon, this cutting-edge volume will appeal to academicians, professionals, and students interested in the study of normal and abnormal interpersonal behavior.Handbook of Psychological Assessment by Gary Groth-Marnat
ISBN: 0470083581Publication Date: 2009Covers principles of assessment, evaluation, referral, treatment planning, and report writing. Written in a practical, skills-based manner, this classic resource offers coverage of the most widely used assessment instruments and has been updated to include new material and cover tests that are growing in popularity, such as brief assessment instruments. Handbook of Psychological Assessment also provides guidance on the most efficient methods for selecting and administering tests, how to interpret assessment data, and how to integrate test scores and develop treatment plans as well as instruction on ways in which to write effective, client-oriented, problem-solving psychological reports.Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures by Terri D. Fisher; Sandra L. Davis; Clive M. Davis; William L. Yarber
ISBN: 9780415801744Publication Date: 2010Fundamental to understanding human sexual expression is reliable and valid measurement and assessment. The instruments that have been developed are not easily accessible and the information is limited concerning appropriate use and psychometric properties. In this volume more than 200 instruments are reproduced, accompanied by the necessary information for their use in research.Measures for Clinical Practice and Research: A Sourcebook by Fischer, Joel; Corcoran, Kevin
ISBN: 0195314905Publication Date: 2007This all-in-one sourcebook has dozens of new scales as well as updated information for existing instruments, expanding and cementing its utility for members of all the helping professions, including psychology, social work, psychiatry, counseling, nursing, and medicine. Each instrument is reproduced in its entirety and critiqued by the editors, who provide guidance on how to select and score them. This volume focuses on scales for use with adults; its companion provides a range for couples, families, and children.Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Constructs by Gregory J. Boyle (Editor); Donald H. Saklofske (Editor); Gerald Matthews (Editor)
ISBN: 9780123869159Publication Date: 2014Identifies and reviews the best scales/measures for a variety of constructs. Focused on the most often used and cited scales/measures, with a particular emphasis on those published in recent years, each scale is identified and described, the sample on which it was developed is summarized, and reliability and validity data are presented. Measures fall into five broad groups: emotional disposition, emotion regulation, interpersonal styles, vices and virtues, socio-cultural interaction and conflict. Multiple scales are discussed for each construct, along with which scales are appropriate in which circumstances; examples of scales are included.Personality Disorders by Steven Ken Huprich; American Psychological Association Staff (Contribution by)
ISBN: 1433818450Publication Date: 2015What are personality disorders? How should they be conceptualized, and how should they be assessed and diagnosed in clinical practice? For over a century these questions have been at the heart of psychological science. Yet even today, as the recent controversy over proposed changes to the classification of PDs in DSM-5 attests, there is hardly consensus on the answers. This ground breaking text offers a comprehensive and provocative tour of a field that is ripe for integration. Contributors who rank among the world s most prestigious clinical and personality psychologists guide readers through the state of our knowledge of personality disorders, from conceptual and theoretical concerns to the practical problems faced by assessing clinicians. They address the advantages and disadvantages of categorical and dimensional approaches to diagnosing personality pathology used in the standard diagnostic manuals, as well as the hybrid model described in Section III of DSM-5. Recent advances in statistical, methodological, and biogenetic research strategies are applied to the study of PDs, with a focus on clinical and empirical approaches to assessment and diagnosis. Theorists describe how psychodynamic, attachment, interpersonal, evolutionary, and cognitive processing approaches offer surprisingly similar models of conceptualizing and treating PDs.Positive Psychological Assessment: A Handbook of Models and Measures by Shane J. Lopez (Editor); C. R. Snyder (Editor)
ISBN: 1557989885Publication Date: 2003Contributors examine the scientific underpinnings and practical application of measures of human strengths, emotions, resources and fulfilments. Vocational and multicultural applications of positive psychological assessment are also discussed, as is the measurement of contextual variables that may facilitate the development or enhancement of human strength. The variety of perspectives offered should be useful to readers who wish to incorporate balance into their assessments and research through the integration of theoretically grounded positive measures.