Textbooks & Inclusive Access: UTSA & HB 1027

Defines inclusive access and summarizes HB 1027 transparency compliance.


Develop best practices for implementation at UT System schools, including how to motivate faculty to report with the knowledge that implementation will look different at each UT System school. 

Charge may involve system-wide negotiations with publishers if campuses are interested. A sub-site will be developed on the Momentum on Open Educational Resources website with findings.


UT System Office of Academic Affairs has convened a working group comprised of staff from faculty affairs, libraries, and more, below

UT System HB 1027 Work Group
Name Institution
Gisele Abron UT Tyler
Lynne Barnes UT San Antonio
Toni Blum UT El Paso
Art Brownlow UT Rio Grande Valley
Emma Gelsinger UT System
Kathryn Hageman UT Arlington
Dean Hendrix UT San Antonio
Gabrielle Hernandez UT Rio Grande Valley
Rebecca Karoff UT System
Serenity King UT Dallas
Jennifer Love UT Austin
Jessica McClean UT Arlington
David Platt UT Austin
Lydia Riley UT System
Ellen Safley UT Dallas
Joe Sanders UT Permian Basin
Brad Shook UT Permian Basic
Colleen Swain UT Tyler
Tessy Torres UT El Paso