Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines at UTSA

A collection of resources specific to UTSA to help you navigate copyright in the classroom and as an author.

Authors' Copyrights

Federal law grants certain, exclusive rights to authors that often get signed away to publishers. These resources can help you negotiate and maintain your author rights during the publishing process. 

Publisher Copyright Policies

FAQs: Using Copyrighted Materials in Scholarly Activities

Can I ...

Email a BOOK CHAPTER or JOURNAL ARTICLE to other faculty and students?

Yes, if they are currently employed or enrolled at UTSA. For other scenarios, ask your librarian.

Use LICENSED CONTENT in my scholarly conference presentations?

Yes, as excerpts with author attributions, under fair use. If your presentation is distributed to the public, you should take extra measures to clear the rights for copyrighted material or replace it with alternative content. Ask your librarian for help.

Distribute a print BOOK CHAPTER or JOURNAL ARTICLE to UTSA conference participants?

Yes, through the additional rights the university licenses, if attendees are currently employed or enrolled at UTSA. For other scenarios, ask your librarian.