Google Scholar

Guide to using Google Scholar for academic research at UTSA

Frequently Asked Questions

Commonly asked questions

Unfortunately, Google Scholar does not provide any technical support for the product so we have compiled these answers to address the most common questions we received regarding Google Scholar.

How can I get the full text if there isn't a link or if I'm asked to pay?

As long as you access Google Scholar from the library website or have added UTSA Libraries as your library in your Google Scholar settings, just click the link to the right of an individual item to access the full text.

When there is no link, search for the title, in quotes, in Library Quick Search to find the item online. If we do not have the item, we can get it for you! Just submit a Get it For Me request.

How do I find the most recent research on my topic?

Search by date using the Google Scholar advanced search. From the results page, you can also “sort by date” or select a custom date range the date to the left of your search results.

What does "Cited by" mean?

By clicking "Cited by," you will get sources that have cited the original source. Results are sorted by citation count, a useful way to determine relevance. This list only includes sources in Google Scholar.

Can I search through my "Cited by" results using additional terms?

Yes, just click ‘Search within citing articles’ under the original source on your results page.

What does "Library Search" mean?

For each item that is available in a local library, you’ll see ‘Library Search’ under ‘More.’ ‘Library Search’ links to WorldCat where you can find other libraries nearby that have the item.

Request items owned by other libraries by clicking ‘Request Item’ in WorldCat. If UTSA Libraries owns the item, you'll see a ‘Check UTSA Lib Holdings’ link. Just follow that link for access options.

To configure Google Scholar to send references to EndNote

  1. Go to Google Scholar.
  2. Click "Settings" in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Under "Bibliographic Manager" select the ‘Show links to import citations into’ and choose ‘EndNote’ in the drop down box.
  4. Click Save’.

To import Google Scholar results into EndNote

  1. From your results page, click the “Import into Endnote” link for each reference you want to import.
  2. If prompted to "Open" or "Save" the file, choose to “Open.”

How can I get more help?

For more information about Google Scholar, visit their about page.

Questions? Just pop into the chat widget in the lower right of our website for answers.