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Electrical and Computer Engineering
Technical Reports
- TRAIL (Technical Report Archive and Image Library) This link opens in a new windowTRAIL stands for Technical Report Archive and Image Library. It is a searchable interface for government technical reports made prior to 1975. All reports are downloadable in full text. The documents subject range includes engineering, geology, standards, and many other technical areas.
- Defense Technical Information CenterThe Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)'s Scientific and Technical Information Network (STINET) Service helps the DoD community access pertinent scientific and technical information to meet mission needs effectively. Includes DTIC's technical reports collection and some full text resources.
- DTIC's Public STINETFree Website: The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Scientific and Technical Information Network (STINET) Service helps the DoD community access pertinent scientific and technical information to meet mission needs effectively. Includes DTIC's technical reports collection and some full text resources.
- NTIS: National Technical Information ServiceFree Website: NTIS is the largest, central resource for government-funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business related information available today. Approximately 2.5 million products are available in a variety of formats including online, electronic, multimedia, CD-ROM, paper, and microfiche. Thousands of new products are added each week. Additionally, many records now include free links to the full-text publication on an agency's website, or can be downloaded directly from the NTIS archival copy for a nominal charge. Be sure to search our catalog to see if UTSA Library owns any material referenced here.
- NTRS: NASA Technical Reports ServerNASA's Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program's mission is to collect, archive, and disseminate NASA aerospace information. Examples of information found here include research reports, journal articles, conference and meeting papers, technical videos, mission-related operational documents, and preliminary data. You can check our catalog to see if UTSA Library owns any material referenced here.
- Science.gov: FirstGov for ScienceScience.gov is a gateway to authoritative selected science information provided by U.S. Government agencies, including research and development results.
- U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical InformationThe U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) provides access to a wealth of energy, science, and technology research and development information from the Manhattan Project to the present. Includes three areas of information: Information Bridge, which has full text DOE research reports (primarily from 1995 to today); Energy Citations, with bibliographic citations of DOE research from 1948 to today; and E-print Network, which is a collection of documents that researchers circulate electronically in advance or in lieu of publication. Check Library Quick Search to see if UTSA Libraries own any materials referenced here.
Conference Proceedings
- ACM Digital Library This link opens in a new windowProvides full-text access to computer science and information technology literature in all ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) journals and magazines, transactions, conference proceedings, and SIG newsletters. Some coverage begins in the 1950s.
- IEEE Xplore/IET Electronic Library Online (IEL) This link opens in a new windowProvides full-text journal articles, conference papers, and technical standards published by IEEE and the IEE. Emphasis is on electrical engineering, computer science, and information systems.
Further Research
- Structurae: International Database and Gallery of StructuresThis site offers you information on works of structural engineering, architecture or construction through time, history and from around the world. Our documentation begins at the time of the pyramids in Egypt and Roman construction, continues to Romanesque and Gothic churches and through to the Industrial Revolution all the way to today and beyond. Structurae deals mostly with bridges, tunnels, dams, skyscrapers, stadiums, towers, etc. Explore this site to discover the marvelous works of structural engineering.