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History of Mexico
Mexican Cookbook Collection
UTSA’s Mexican Cookbook Collection includes over 1,900 titles in English and Spanish documenting the variety and history of Mexican cuisine from 1789 to the present. Areas of particular focus include traditional recipes, regional cooking, and healthy eating.
The core of the collection was donated by San Antonio resident Laurie Gruenbeck, who acquired the cookbooks during her travels in Texas and Mexico over 30 years. The collection continues to grow through purchases and gifts.
Visit Special Collections on Main Campus at the John Peace Library to access Rare Books and Manuscripts. Please visit during regular hours or contact us to make an appointment.
View a complete list of the collection in the Library Catalog, by doing a search for "Mexican Cookbook Collection."
Gebhardt Chili Powder Company Promotional Recipe Books
- Deviled Dainties by Leno Osborne, Gebhardt Chili Powder CompanyCall Number: TX715.2.S69 O83 1922
- Gebhardt's Mexican Cookery for American Homes by Gebhardt Chili Powder Company.Call Number: TX716 .M4 G4 1932
- Mexican Cookery for American Homes by Gebhardt Chili Powder Company.Call Number: TX716.M4 M494 1943
- Mexican Cookery for American Homes by Gebhardt Chili Powder CompanyCall Number: TX716.M4 M394 1960
Nineteenth Century Bestsellers
El cocinero mexicano, ó, Coleccion de las mejores recetas para guisar al estilo americano : y de las mas selectas segun el metodo de las cocinas española, italiana, francesa e inglesa... (1831) by Mexico : Imprenta de Galvan
Call Number: TX716.M4 C615 1831Originally advertised as three volumes for just 6 pesos (Christina Barros, Los Libros de la Cocina Mexicana), this became one of the most influential cookbooks in 19th century Mexico. Later editions were re-structured as a culinary dictionary.Novisimo arte de cocina, ó, Escelente colección de las mejores recetas : para que al menor costo posible, y con la mayor comodidad, pueda guisarse á la española, francesa, italiana e inglesa : sin omitirse cosa... (1831) by Simon Blanquel
Call Number: TX716.M4 N685 1831Printed by Alejandro Valdés, this was one of the earliest original cookbooks to be printed in Mexico. Like Cocinero Mexicano (published in the same year), this cookbook was extremely popular throughout the 19th century and appeared in several editions.
Manuscript Cookbooks
Libreta de Cocina, handwritten recipe book by Socorro Rubio, 1939.
[TX716.M4 R82 1939]
[digital facsimile]
- Cuaderno de cosina de Doña Ignacia del ??? Belarde Calderón dela Marca : q. se acabo el viernes dando las 8 dela noche, A.D. 1789Call Number: TX716.A1 C83 178918th century manuscript cookbook written in ink of Latin American recipes containing main courses, sides, and desserts that include: postre de calabacitas de negro, gaspacho, zopa de naranja, and potaje escondido.
- 20th century Mexican cooking manuscript ... ojaldrasCall Number: TX773 .T84 1900zWritten in an exquisite hand and containing several charming illustrations, this manuscript cookbook contains dessert recipies that include: ojaldras, helado caliente, magdalenas, pan corriente, and more.
- Recetas de cocina por mi profesor Sr. H. Winder (1904) by Paulina MoranteCall Number: TX716.M4 M66 1904Early 20th century manuscript cookbook handwritten in ink containing traditional Mexican recipes. There are also recipes for pescado huachinango fresco and turrón de ciruela pasa included in an inserted newspaper clipping. Includes index.
- 20th century Mexican cooking manuscripts / written by family of related women from Durango from before the Mexican revolution to shortly thereafterCall Number: TX716.M4 T84 1907Early 20th century manuscript cookbooks written in ink and pencil by family of related women from Durango with different handwriting of traditional home recipes.
- Libro de cocina (1937) by Carmen BallinaCall Number: TX716.A1 B35 1937Manuscript cookbook written in ink and pencil of traditional Latin American home recipes.
- Libreta de cocina by Socorro RubioCall Number: TX716.M4 R82 1939Handwritten manuscript containing recipes for breads, cakes, desserts, salads, tacos, and other traditional Mexican dishes. Accompanying many of the recipes are illustrations cut out and pasted in from other sources.
Josefina Velazquez de Leon
Josefina Velázquez de León was a prolific mid-century cookbook writer from Mexico City. She also founded two cooking schools and was an early pioneer in culinary television. To see more of her books, do a search in Library Quick Search for "Velázquez de León, Josefina."
Vegetarian Cooking
- Cocina vegetariana de doña Adela by Adela Romo de Escamilla.Call Number: TX837 .R66 1947
- La cocina vegetariana mexicana by Patricia VidalCall Number: TX716 .M4 V53 1975
- El cocinero vegetariano by Getuls Encarnación López Cortés, Getuls María Luisa G. de JordánCall Number: TX837 .L673 1978
- Cocina vegetariana Mexicana by Lucia EscalanteCall Number: TX716 .M4 E82 1981
Nutricion Efectiva = Comida Vegetariana by Margarita Chavez Martinez
Call Number: TX837 .C48 1993Cocina vegetariana mexicana by Lucia Escalante Greco
Call Number: TX716 .M4 E82 1994El recetario de Elena : cocina vegetariana by Elena H. de Michán
Call Number: TX837 .M56 1998