The History of the Conquest of New Spain by Bernal Díaz del Castillo; Davíd Carrasco (Editor)Call Number: F1230 .D56513 2008
Available in print and as an e-book. This abridged English translation of Diaz del Castillo's classic Historia verdadera de la conquista de Nueva España, offers a unique contribution to our understanding of the political and religious forces that drove the great cultural encounter between Spain and the Americas known as the "conquest of Mexico." Contains important passages, scenes, and events excluded from other abridgements, as well as eight (secondary source) essays that address indigenous religions and cultural practices, sexuality during the early colonial period, the roles of women in indigenous cultures, and analysis of the political and economic purposes behind Diaz del Castillo's narrative. A series of maps illuminate the routes of the conquistadors, the organization of indigenous settlements, the struggle for the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, as well as the disastrous Spanish journey to Honduras.