
• Selected resources on Mathematics

Scientific Writing

AMS & ASA Style

AMS (American Mathematical Society) and ASA (American Statistical Association) are the two commonly used styles for math, however there is no central style used so it may be necessary to contact your instructor or publisher for the most appropriate style for your work.

AMS & ASA Examples


[Ordered Number Alphabetical by Author from Bibliography] A.A. Author, B.B. Author, Title, Journal Title, Volume, Pages (Year)

[1] E. Arias-Castro, M. Wang, Distribution-free tests for sparse heterogeneous mixtures. Test, 26, 71-94 (2017).


Author, A.A. and Author, B.B. (Year), Article Title, in Journal Title, Pages.

Freund, R. J. (1977), “An example of Prediction with Regression: A Comparison of Methods,” in American Statistical Association Proceedings of the Statistical Computing Section, pp. 218-221.


[Ordered Number Alphabetical by Author from Bibliography] A.A. Author. Title <URL> (Date Updated)

[2] Bandara, L. Explainer: the point of pure mathematics. (August 1, 2011)


Author, A. A., Author, B. B. (Year), "Title", Website [Online], Date of Publication, Available at <URL>

Bilodeau, A. (1994), “Into the Net: A Reporter’s Transformation,” Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine [online], 1, 8. Available at


[Ordered Number Alphabetical by Author from Bibliography] A.A. Author, B.B. Author, Title, Publisher, Year.

[3] Levi, M., The mathematical mechanic: Using physical reasoning to solve problems, Princeton University Press, 2009.


Author, A. A. (Year), Title (Volume, Edition), Place of Publication:Publisher.

Dixon, W. J. (ed.) (1983), BMDP Statistical Software (Vol. 1, 3rd ed.), Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.


Concepts of discrepancy can be used to describe uniformly distributed sequences as well [4].


Other recent suggestions include the use of Chernoff faces (Smith 1980).

We rely on an algorithm of Das Gupta (1965, pp. 115-120).