Open Science

A guide to open science principles.

Open Science - Planning & Design

Open science in the planning stage of research infographic

Project Workflows

Establishing an online workspace for your research project can help you and your team more easily collaborate and assign duties as necessary.  ThOpen Science Framework logoe Open Science Framework (OSF) is a free open-source software that facilitates open collaboration.  As a workflow system, OSF enables connections to data, preprints, and data management and research planning that researchers already use, streamlining their process and increasing efficiency.  For more information on getting started in using OSF as a project workflow platform, click the following links to learn more:




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Preregistration is the practice of creating a publicly available record of your hypotheses and methodology (or research plan) before conducting your project. 

Pre-registering a study plan or protocol reduces hindsight bias and overconfidence in uncertain predictions.  Pre-registration also combats publication bias by allowing studies to be discoverable even if they're never published.  Sharing all outcomes, not just positive or novel results, increases transparency in scientific research. Consider pre-registering your study or publishing a relevant article type, such as a Registered Report or Study Protocol.

Tools to preregister studies:

Creating a Data Management Plan (DMP)

A data management plan (DMP) is a written document describing the nature and structure of the data you will likely use or produce in the course of research, along with your strategies for dealing with it throughout and after your project.

A successful DMP should answer the following:DMPTool logo

  • What data will be gathered or produced?
  • Who will manage this data?
  • How will the data be disseminated?
  • How will the data be preserved for reuse?

For more detailed information on creating a data management plan, please visit our Research Data Management guide:


One of the simplest and most effective ways to create a DMP is by visiting -

UTSA is an institutional partner of DMPTool so you can login to access the UTSA customized DMPTool to save your plans, access UTSA-specific information and resources, and request a review of your DMP by a member of the Data Management Services team.  Simply choose "University of Texas at San Antonio” as your institution and login with your abc123 credentials.

The DMPTool supports most federal and several non-profit and private funding agencies that require DMPs as part of the grant application, providing templates that meet the various requirements and streamlining the DMP creation process.  If your funder isn't listed, there is also an option for a generic plan.