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- World War II
World War II
Recommended resources for primary and secondary sources about World War II
Related Research Guides
Research Tips
- Research Tips for History StudentsFollow these expert tips to make the most of your research and save time.
Search Engines
Library Quick Search
- Google ScholarSearches scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.
- How to Use Google Scholar Off CampusDue to recent changes made by Google, you'll need to do a one-time set-up for your account to access full-text articles available through UTSA Libraries. Step by step instructions provided.
Finding Secondary Sources in Databases
- America: History and Life (EBSCO) This link opens in a new windowSelectively indexes and abstracts the scholarly literature on U.S. and Canadian history from prehistory to the present. Includes citations to journal articles, book and media reviews, and dissertations. Also includes useful features such as the ability to search by historical time period. For world history, see Historical Abstracts.
- JSTOR This link opens in a new windowSearchable full-text and full-image backfiles of scholarly journals, as well as e-books, and primary resources. Subject areas include the arts, humanities, social sciences, science, math, and business. Includes the Artstor Digital Library containing millions of images from the world's museums, archives, and libraries.
- Dissertations & Theses Global (ProQuest) This link opens in a new windowProvides citations and abstracts, as well as full text PDFs, to millions of doctoral dissertations and master's theses from graduate schools and universities around the world. Full text coverage is primarily from 1997 forward, with a significant number of full text titles previous to 1997. Coverage is from 1637 to the present.
Get Items from Other Libraries
- WorldCat (OCLC) This link opens in a new windowComprehensive online catalog of library holdings locally and worldwide. Lists books, journals, maps, recordings, films, scores, open access resources, and other materials from academic, public, corporate, and specialized libraries. Get It For Me button allows you to request to borrow an item.
- Get It for MeInterlibrary loan, document delivery, transport items between JPL and Downtown Library.
- TexShareTexShare is a statewide library resource-sharing program. It allows users from one library to check out library materials at other participating libraries.
Featured Resource
The Oxford Illustrated History of World War II by Richard Overy
An introduction to World War II. Perhaps the best feature of this book is its extensive bibliography on all aspects of the war. Available as an e-book.