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- COU 5103: Intro to School Counseling (Rosales)
COU 5103: Intro to School Counseling (Rosales)
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- Advancing Equity-Focused School Counseling for All Students by Sam Steen; Shekila Melchior; Amber Brenae Sansbury-ScottCall Number: E-bookISBN: 1003805523Publication Date: 2023Using author narratives, this book brings attention to racial disparities that exist presently in schools within the historical context of pivotal legal cases in America while emphasizing the importance of assessing and supporting students through a culturally appropriate lens that recognizes student strengths.
- Cases on Current Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities in School Counseling by Sladjana S. Rakich (Editor)Call Number: E-bookISBN: 9781668475577Publication Date: 2023The counseling profession has greatly evolved from its vocational roots in the early 20th century. New professional demands resulting from dynamic student needs are once again reshaping the field of educational counseling. Contemporary issues facing students and schools often require a multi-disciplinary problem-solving approach. Cases on Current Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities in School Counseling showcases the interdisciplinary work done at the intersection of teaching and learning to support holistic student development in a PK-12 educational setting. The book presents current cases that illustrate common challenges and provide solutions or examples of approaches to guide educational practitioners in their development and work. Covering topics such as cultural proficiency, parental empowerment, and professional identity formulation, this casebook is an essential resource for educational counselors, school counselors-in-training, educators, administrators, pre-service teachers, teacher educators, researchers, and academicians.
- Mindsets and Practices of the Contemporary School Counselor by Rita SchellenbergCall Number: DT Stacks ; LB1027.5 .S253 2019ISBN: 9781475851342Publication Date: 2019This follow-up to A New Era in School Counseling, 2nd edition offers in-depth knowledge of how the school counselor, who is deeply embedded in all aspects of the educational system, can work most efficiently and effectively in the schools. This new edition underscores the heightened focus on leadership and collaboration, as well as the increased attention to meeting the mental health needs of school-age students, particularly meeting the spiritual and religious development of students by way of the school counseling program
- Research Anthology on Navigating School Counseling in the 21st Century by Information Resources Management Association (Editor)Call Number: E-bookISBN: 9781799889649Publication Date: 2021School counseling in the 21st century requires a new set of skills and practices than seen in past decades. With a sharper focus on social justice, the experiences and challenges for marginalized groups, and more open discussions as to issues students face, school counselors must be best equipped to handle all types of diverse students and situations. School counselors and guidance programs must address multicultural needs, underserved populations, and students with issues ranging from mental illness to family issues to chronic-illnesses and LGBTQ+ identities.
- The School Counselors Guide to Multi-Tiered Systems of Support by Emily Goodman-Scott; Jennifer Betters-Bubon; Peg Donohue; Jacob Andrew OlsenCall Number: E-bookISBN: 1003306411Publication Date: 2023The revision of this innovative book provides school counseling students, practitioners, leaders, supervisors, and faculty with information and resources regarding the alignment and implementation of school counseling, specifically comprehensive school counseling programs. Complementing and expanding upon the audience's knowledge and implementation of CSCPs such as the ASCA 2019 National Model, chapters include a strong theoretical and research base as well as related practical examples from the field-including case studies of practicing school counselors, and relevant, hands-on resources and tools to assist school counselors facilitate MTSS. New topics such as culturally sustaining and antiracist practice are woven into the chapters, in addition to covering the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health crises, and capturing timely and current practices in K-12 education and school counseling. Innovative, unique, and including a plethora of useful tools and resources, this guide to MTSS and school counseling is ideal for graduate students and current school counselors in the field.
- School Crisis Response by Jeffrey C. RothCall Number: E-bookISBN: 9781003315209Publication Date: 2022School Crisis Response introduces a unique educational approach that provides compelling scenarios for the development of school crisis responders. There are many books describing the how-to of school crisis response, but few describe the thoughts and emotions to help guide the application of skills learned. This book provides narratives about traumatic events to supplement concepts with lessons from actual crises. The author documents the perspective of a team leader, vividly illustrating real events to confront the challenges, decisions, and problem-solving demanded to effectively stabilize emotional reactions, ameliorate trauma, and support resilience and recovery.
- School Psychologist As Counselor, 2nd Edition by Cynthia Plotts; Jon LasserCall Number: DT Reserves ; LB1027.55 .P62 2020ISBN: 9780932955234Publication Date: 2020Successfully incorporating counseling into your psychological services may seem like a daunting task. Can you incorporate counseling into a student’s IEP? Where does consultation fit into counseling? How do you define counseling goals and evaluate whether these goals are being met? School Psychologist as Counselor is the best book to address how counseling can be integrated with academic and behavioral interventions.
- Promoting the Role of the School CounselorProfessional school counselors (PSCs) continue to experience challenges in implementing comprehensive school counseling programs. This article reviews the pertinent literature for recommendations on best practices PSCs can use to advocate for their professional role as leaders, advocates, and change agents.
- Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools.Contributors to the Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools are from diverse backgrounds and focus on both educational and psychological topics. Articles address theoretical, practical and training issues that impact upon guidance and counselling professionals today.
- Journal of School ViolenceCoverage from 2002 to present, the Journal of School Violence is a multi-disciplinary, quarterly journal that publishes peer-reviewed empirical studies related to school violence and victimization. Accepting a variety of social science methodologies, this international journal explores the broad range of contemporary issues centering on violence in the school environment. These issues often include, but are not limited to, the nature, extent, prevention, and consequences of school violence for students, teachers, and staff of all manner of educational systems.
- Professional School CounselingProfessional School Counseling, the flagship journal of the American School Counselor Association, is a rigorous peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality manuscripts on theory, research and best practices for the profession. Also explored are techniques, materials and ideas to assist school counselors and related practitioners at all levels in their professional development.