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- COU 5103: Intro to School Counseling (Rosales)
COU 5103: Intro to School Counseling (Rosales)
Education Librarian
Helpful Databases
- Chicano Database (EBSCO) This link opens in a new windowProvides bibliographic citations to materials focused on the Mexican-American and Chicano experience, as well as the broader Latino experience of Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans and Central American immigrants from 1992 onwards. Selectively indexes content from journals, newspapers, books, book chapters and more. Subjects covered include art, bilingual education, education, health, labor, language, literature, mental health, and politics.
- DSM Library This link opens in a new windowContains the DSM-5, the most current resource for diagnosing and assessing mental disorders. Also included are the DSM-5 Handbook of Differential Diagnosis, a resource for students and clinicians learning the process of psychiatric diagnosis, and DSM-5 Clinical Case Studies which represent the mental disorders presented in the DSM-5 and provide diagnostic concepts, symptoms and severity of each disorder, comorbidities, age of onset and development, dimensionality across disorders, and gender and cultural implications.
- ERIC (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window
ERIC, the Educational Resource Information Center, provides access to education literature and resources. The database provides unlimited access to more than 1.3 million bibliographic records of journal articles and other education-related materials, with hundreds of new records added twice weekly. If available, links to full text are included.
- MEDLINE (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window
Provides article citations from over 4,800 journals published in the United States and seventy other countries. Encompasses information from Index Medicus, Index to Dental Literature, and International Nursing, as well as other sources in allied health, biological and physical sciences, humanities, and information science as they relate to medicine and health care, communication disorders, population biology, and reproductive biology. Produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection (EBSCO) This link opens in a new windowProvides full text/full image coverage for 575 scholarly journals, most of which are peer-reviewed. Topics covered include emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry and psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods.
- Psychology and Counseling (Alexander Street) This link opens in a new windowDocumentary films in psychology and counseling.
- PsycINFO (EBSCO) This link opens in a new windowCovers professional and academic literature in psychology and related disciplines. Contains over two million citations and summaries of articles from journals, books, book chapters, dissertations, and technical reports. Some full-text.
- PsycTESTS (EBSCO) This link opens in a new windowA collection of testing literature culled from researchers, peer-reviewed journals, books and handbooks, dissertations, websites, the Archives of the History of American Psychology Test Collection, and commercial test publishers. Includes information on test development, review, usage, and actual testing instruments. Tests are on a wide range of subjects, including developmental, personality, intelligence, military, and more. Coverage 1910-present. Updated monthly.
- PTSDpubs (formerly PILOTS) This link opens in a new windowCovers the Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress. Includes citations to literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health sequelae of traumatic events, without disciplinary, linguistic, or geographical limitations. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Also freely available through U.S. Veterans Affairs. - Social Services Abstracts (ProQuest) This link opens in a new windowIndexes over 1,500 serial publications focused on social work, human services, social welfare, social policy, and community development. Includes abstracts of journal articles and dissertations, as well as citations to book reviews.
Handout for class
- COU 5103 Class Handoutfrom library instruction on 09/19/24