GBA 3013: Introduction to Academic Research (Leung)

An overview of library resources for academic research in business disciplines.

Literature Searching

Aggregated Full-Text Databases

Provide many types information in multiple formats from 3rd party providers.  May include articles from peer-reviewed journals, trade publications, magazines, newspapers, reports, videos, etc.

Publisher Platforms

Citation Managers

Boolean vs Natural Language Searching

Originally, databases required the use of Boolean operators to run queries:

  • AND - requires all keywords to be present
  • OR - allows any of the keywords to be present
  • NOT - excludes the keywords from search

Advances in web searching led to natural language searching, even in some databases. Boolean operators may be implied or not required.  Searching in databases is more structured, with fewer results and less "noise." 

After you run your search, look out for filtering options to narrow down your search.