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POL/GLA 6893: Research Proposal (Amberg)
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Accessing SPSS Software
Access SPSS software from off campus through VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure.) See the link below.
University Technology Solutions (UTS) is responsible for SPSS. For more in-depth information about accessing SPSS from off campus, or to use SPSS on campus, please contact UTS directly: (210) 458-5555 or email techcafe@utsa.edu.
Databases with Statistical Analysis E-Books
- Safari (O'Reilly) This link opens in a new windowProvides access to more than 36,000 eBooks, including over 2,100 computer science and information technology books published by Cisco, Macromedia, Microsoft, O'Reilly, Pearson, SAMS, and others. Additionally Safari features videos, expert-curated learning paths, O’Reilly conference videos, and other resources in technology, business, science, and other fields.
- Sage Research Methods Online This link opens in a new window
Contains content on research methods from books, journals and reference sources; research methods videos; tutorials; case studies showing how research methods are applied; and practice datasets from actual research. Researchers can explore methods concepts to help them design research projects, understand particular methods or identify a new method, conduct their research, and write up their findings. Since SRMO focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, it can be used across the social sciences, health sciences, and more. Includes entire "Little Green Book" (quantitative research) and "Little Blue Book" (qualitative research) series.
Sample of Books on R and SPSS
Exploratory Data Analysis Using R by Ronald K. Pearson
ISBN: 9781498730259Exploratory Data Analysis Using R provides a classroom-tested introduction to exploratory data analysis (EDA) and introduces the range of "interesting" - good, bad, and ugly - features that can be found in data, and why it is important to find them. It also introduces the mechanics of using R to explore and explain data.Political Analysis with R by James E. Monogan III
ISBN: 3319234455Publication Date: 2015-12-22This book provides a narrative of how R can be useful in the analysis of public administration, public policy, and political science data specifically, in addition to the social sciences more broadly. It can serve as a textbook and reference manual for students and independent researchers who wish to use R for the first time or broaden their skill set with the program. While the book uses data drawn from political science, public administration, and policy analyses, it is written so that students and researchers in other fields should find it accessible and useful as well.R Data Analysis Cookbook by Viswa Viswanathan; Shanthi Viswanathan
ISBN: 1783989068Publication Date: 2015-05-27This book is ideal for those who are already exposed to R, but have not yet used it extensively for data analytics and are seeking to get up and running quickly for analytics tasks. This book will help people who aspire to enhance their skills in any of the following ways:- perform advanced analyses and create informative and professional charts- become proficient in acquiring data from many sources- apply supervised and unsupervised data mining techniques- use R's features to present analyses professionallyStatistical Computing with R by Maria L. Rizzo
ISBN: 9781420010718Publication Date: 2007-11-15Computational statistics and statistical computing are two areas that employ computational, graphical, and numerical approaches to solve statistical problems, making the versatile R language an ideal computing environment for these fields.
Introduction to Statistics with SPSS for Social Science by Faiza Qureshi; Gareth Norris; Dennis Howitt; Duncan Cramer
ISBN: 1408237598Publication Date: 2012-05-31This is a complete guide to statistics and SPSS for social science students.nbsp;Statistics with SPSS for Social Science provides a step-by-step explanation of all the important statistical concepts, tests and procedures.nbsp;It is also a guide to getting started with SPSS, and includes screenshots to illustrate explanations.nbsp;With examples specific to social sciences, this text is essential for any student in this area.Understanding Political Science Statistics Using SPSS by Peter Galderisi
ISBN: 113813144XPublication Date: 2015-11-24This manual walks students through the procedures for analysis in SPSS and provides exercises that go hand-in-hand with online data sets. The manual complements the textbook Understanding Political Science Statistics: Observations and Expectations in Political Analysis, by Peter Galderisi, making it easy to use alongside the book in a course or as a stand-alone guide to using SPSS. Galderisi demonstrates how to use both syntax and GUI driven formats and shows sample results of the analyses. Filled with annotated screenshots from SPSS version 22 (but compatible with all versions, including the student version), the students will be guided through standard processes replete with examples and exercises to ready them for future work in political science research. The diverse group of data sets provided include subsamples of both the 2008 and 2012 American National Election Studies, a Eurobarometer survey, single year and longitudinal congressional district files, the 2012 Comparative Congressional Election Study data set, and a comparative, crossnational country file. Versions with reduced case numbers and variables are also included that are compatible with the student version. This manual (and a parallel Stata manual) are available as stand-alone products or packaged with the textbook Understanding Political Science Statistics.