WRC 1013 & 1023
Freshman Composition I & II
- Writing CommonsAlthough this is a website, it can be used as a textbook. Writing Commons helps students improve their writing, critical thinking, and information literacy. Founded in 2008 by Joseph M. Moxley, Writing Commons is a viable alternative to expensive writing textbooks. Faculty may assign Writing Commons for their composition, business, STEM/Technical Writing, and creative writing courses.
About Writing: A Guide by Robin Jeffrey
Publication Date: 2016This writer’s reference condenses and covers everything a beginning writing student needs to successfully compose college-level work, including the basics of composition, grammar, and research. It is broken down into easy-to-tackle sections, while not overloading students with more information than they need. Great for any beginning writing students or as reference for advanced students!Brehe's Grammar Anatomy by Steven Brehe
ISBN: 9781940771496Publication Date: 2018-12-31Brehe's Grammar Anatomy makes grammar accessible to general and specialist readers alike. This book provides an in-depth look at beginner grammar terms and concepts, providing clear examples with limited technical jargon. Whether for academic or personal use, Brehe's Grammar Anatomy is the perfect addition to any resource library. Features: Practice exercises at the end of each chapter, with answers in the back of the book, to help students test and correct their comprehension. Full glossary and index with cross-references. Easy-to-read language supports readers at every learning stage.College ESL Writers: Applied Grammar and Composing Strategies for Success by Barbara Hall & Elizabeth Wallace
Publication Date: 2018" College ESL Writers: Applied Grammar and Composing Strategies for Success is designed as a comprehensive grammar and writing etext for high intermediate and advanced level non-native speakers of English. We open the text with a discussion on the sentence and then break it down into its elemental components, before reconstructing them into effective sentences with paragraphs and larger academic assignments. Following that, we provide instruction in paragraph and essay writing with several opportunities to both review the fundamentals as well as to demonstrate mastery and move on to more challenging assignments."EmpoWord: A Student-Centered Anthology & Handbook for College Writers by Shane Abrams, Portland State University
Publication Date: 2018" EmpoWord is a reader and rhetoric that champions the possibilities of student writing. The textbook uses actual student writing to exemplify effective writing strategies, celebrating dedicated college writing students to encourage and instruct their successors: the students in your class. Through both creative and traditional activities, readers are encouraged to explore a variety of rhetorical situations to become more critical agents of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in all facets of their lives. Straightforward and readable instruction sections introduce key vocabulary, concepts, and strategies. Three culminating assignments (Descriptive Personal Narrative; Text-Wrestling Analysis; Persuasive Research Essay) give students a chance to show their learning while also practicing rhetorical awareness techniques for future writing situations."English Composition by Ann Inoshita (Editor); Karyl Garland (Editor); Kate Sims (Editor); Jeanne Tsutsui Keuma (Editor); Tasha Williams (Editor)
ISBN: 9781948027076Publication Date: 2019-05-31This OER textbook has been designed for students to learn the foundational concepts for English 100 (first-year college composition). The content aligns to learning outcomes across all campuses in the UH system. It was designed, written, and edited during a three day book sprint in May, 2019.Introduction to Game Theory: a Discovery Approach by Jennifer Firkins Nordstrom
Publication Date: 2017Game theory is an excellent topic for a non-majors quantitative course as it develops mathematical models to understand human behavior in social, political, and economic settings. The variety of applications can appeal to a broad range of students. Additionally, students can learn mathematics through playing games, something many choose to do in their spare time! This text also includes an exploration of the ideas of game theory through the rich context of popular culture. It contains sections on applications of the concepts to popular culture. It suggests films, television shows, and novels with themes from game theory. The questions in each of these sections are intended to serve as essay prompts for writing assignments.Let's Get Writing! by Elizabeth Browning, Kirsten DeVries, Kathy Boylan, Jenifer Kurtz, Katelyn Burton
Publication Date: 2018This introduction is designed to exemplify how writers think about and produce text. The guiding features are the following:
-- Every good piece of writing is an argument.
-- Everything worth writing and reading begins with a specific question.
-- Improving skills takes practice, feedback, and re-thinking, redoing, revising.
The layout of our book implies there is a beginning, middle, and end to a writing course, but because writing is both an art and a skill, people will find their own processes for learning, improving, and using these skills. Writing processes differ because we are each looking for a workable schemata that fits our way of thinking. Try out a variety of writing processes and strategies, and find what works for you. If you are not uncomfortable on this journey, you simply are not stretching yet. Learning is prickly, awkward, and risky, so if it does not feel a bit unnerving, push harder and farther.Oregon Writes: Open writing Text by Jenn Kepka
Publication Date: 2018This textbook guides students through rhetorical and assignment analysis, the writing process, researching, citing, rhetorical modes, and critical reading. Using accessible but rigorous readings by professionals throughout the college composition field, the Oregon Writes Writing Textbook aligns directly to the statewide writing outcomes for English Composition courses in Oregon.A Short Handbook for Writing Essays in the Humanities and Social Sciences by Dan Allosso; Salvatore Allosso
ISBN: 9781466229105Publication Date: 2011-08-11Practical advice on finding a topic, organizing an argument, and writing an effective essay. Includes detailed discussions of how to write clear paragraphs and effective sentences, using dozens of examples from actual student essays.Writing and Literature by Tanya Bennett
ISBN: 9781940771236Publication Date: 2017-01-07"In the age of Buzzfeeds, hashtags, and Tweets, students are increasingly favoring conversational writing and regarding academic writing as less pertinent in their personal lives, education, and future careers. Writing and Literature: Composition as Inquiry, Learning, Thinking and Communication connects students with works and exercises and promotes student learning that is kairotic and constructive. Dr. Tanya Long Bennett, professor of English at the University of North Georgia, poses questions that encourage active rather than passive learning. Furthering ideas presented in Contribute a Verse: A Guide to First-Year Composition as a complimentary companion, Writing and Literature builds a new conversation covering various genres of literature and writing. Students learn the various writing styles appropriate for analyzing, addressing, and critiquing these genres including poetry, novels, dramas, and research writing. The text and its pairing of helpful visual aids throughout emphasizes the importance of critical reading and analysis in producing a successful composition. Writing and Literature is a refreshing textbook that links learning, literature, and life."Writing for Success by Scott McLean
ISBN: 9781453310717Publication Date: 2015Provides instruction in steps, builds writing, reading, and critical thinking, and combines comprehensive grammar review with an introduction to paragraph writing and composition.
Beginning with the sentence and its essential elements, this book addresses each concept with clear, concise and effective examples that are immediately reinforced with exercises and opportunities to demonstrate, and reinforce, learning.Writing Guide with Handbook by Michelle Bachelor Robinson; Maria Jerskey
Publication Date: 2021Writing Guide with Handbook aligns to the goals, topics, and objectives of many first-year writing and composition courses. It is organized according to relevant genres, and focuses on the writing process, effective writing practices or strategies—including graphic organizers, writing frames, and word banks to support visual learning—and conventions of usage and style. The text includes an editing and documentation handbook, which provides information on grammar and mechanics, common usage errors, and citation styles.Writing in College by Amy Guptill
ISBN: 9781942341215Publication Date: 2016-01-15Writing in College is designed for students who have largely mastered high-school level conventions of formal academic writing and are now moving beyond the five-paragraph essay to more advanced engagement with text. It is well suited to composition courses or first-year seminars, and valuable as a supplemental or recommended text in other writing-intensive classes. It provides a friendly, down-to-earth introduction to professors' goals and expectations, demystifying the norms of the academy and how they shape college writing assignments. Each of the nine chapters could be read separately, and each includes suggested exercises to bring the main messages to life.Students will find in Writing in College a warm invitation to join the academic community as novice scholars and to approach writing as a meaningful medium of communication. With concise discussions, clear multidisciplinary examples, and empathy for the challenges of student life, Guptill conveys a welcoming tone. In addition, each chapter includes Student Voices: peer-to-peer wisdom from real SUNY Brockport students about their strategies for and experiences with college writing. While there are many affordable writing guides available, most focus only on sentence-level issues or, conversely, a broad introduction to making the transition. Writing In College, in contrast, provides both a coherent frame for approaching writing assignments and indispensable advice for effective organization and expression.Writing Spaces Volume 1 by Charles Lowe; Pavel Zemliansky
ISBN: 9781602351844Publication Date: 2010-05-01Topics in Volume 1 of the series include academic writing, how to interpret writing assignments, motives for writing, rhetorical analysis, revision, invention, writing centers, argumentation, narrative, reflective writing, Wikipedia, patchwriting, collaboration, and genres. All volumes in the series are published under a Creative Commons license and available for download at the Writing Spaces website (http: //www.writingspaces.org), Parlor Press (http: //www.parlorpress.com), and the WAC Clearinghouse (http: //wac.colostate.edu/). Charles Lowe is Assistant Professor of Writing at Grand Valley State University where he teachers composition, professional writing, and Web design. Pavel Zemliansky is Associate Professor in the School of Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication at James Madison University.Writing Spaces Volume 2 by Charles Lowe; Pavel Zemliansky
ISBN: 9781602351844Publication Date: 2010-05-01Topics in Volume 2 of the series include the rhetorical situation, collaboration, documentation styles, weblogs, invention, writing assignment interpretation, reading critically, information literacy, ethnography, interviewing, argument, document design, and source integration. All volumes in the series are published under a Creative Commons license and available for download at the Writing Spaces website (http: //www.writingspaces.org), Parlor Press (http: //www.parlorpress.com), and the WAC Clearinghouse (http: //wac.colostate.edu/). Charles Lowe is Assistant Professor of Writing at Grand Valley State University where he teachers composition, professional writing, and Web design. Pavel Zemliansky is Associate Professor in the School of Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication at James Madison University.Writing Unleashed by Sybil Priebe, Ronda Marman, Dana Anderson
Call Number: 2019Welcome to Writing Unleashed, designed for use as a textbook in first-year college composition programs, written as an extremely brief guide for students, jam-packed with teachers’ voices, students’ voices, and engineered for fun.You, Writing! A Guide to College Composition by Alexandra Glynn, North Hennepin Community College Kelli Hallsten-Erickson, Lake Superior College Amy Jo Swing, Lake Superior College
Publication Date: 2018"This text is meant to be used in any first year College Composition class or as a general guide to college writing. The book focuses on writing as a process, not a product. The goal is to help students discover their own writing process, tryin g out different methods and strategies to find what works best for them"