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MGT 3003
Business Com & Prof Development
Business Communication for Success by Scott McLean
ISBN: 9780982361856Publication Date: 2015Business Communication for Success (BCS) provides a comprehensive, integrated approach to the study and application of written and oral business communication to serve both student and professor. Each chapter is self-contained, allowing for mix-and-match flexibility and custom or course-specific design. Each chapter focuses on clear objectives and skill demonstrations that can be easily linked to your syllabus and state or federal requirements. Supported by internal and external assessments, each chapter features time-saving and learning-enhancement support for instructors and students.Business English for Success by Scott McLean, Arizona Western College
ISBN: 9781453320181Publication Date: 2011Business English for Success is a creative solution to a common challenge across Business Communication courses: Business English or Business Presentations? Some classes place an equal emphasis on oral and written communication. If that’s the case for you check out our text Business Communication for Success. If, however, your class places the emphasis squarely on written communication and writing proficiency, then Business English for Success is for you.
- Corporate Communication SaylorEffective communication skills are a prerequisite for succeeding in business. Communication tools and activities connect people within and beyond the organization in order to establish the business's place in the corporate community and the social community, and as a result, that communication needs to be consistent, effective, and customized for the business to prosper. This free course may be completed online at any time. See course site for detailed overview and learning outcomes. (Business Administration 210)
MGT 3013
Introduction to Organization Theory, Behavior, and Management
Organizational Behavior
ISBN: 9781947172722Publication Date: 2020-01-21This OpenStax resource aligns to introductory courses in Organizational Behavior. The text presents the theory, concepts, and applications with particular emphasis on the impact that individuals and groups can have on organizational performance and culture. An array of recurring features engages students in entrepreneurial thinking, managing change, using tools/technology, and responsible management.Principles of Management
ISBN: 9780998625775Publication Date: 2020-01-21Principles of Management is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the introductory course on management. This is a traditional approach to management using the leading, planning, organizing, and controlling approach. Management is a broad business discipline, and the Principles of Management course covers many management areas such as human resource management and strategic management, as well behavioral areas such as motivation. No one individual can be an expert in all areas of management, so an additional benefit of this text is that specialists in a variety of areas have authored individual chapters.Principles of Management by Carpenter; Mason A. Carpenter; Tayla Bauer
ISBN: 9780982043073Publication Date: 2009-01-01Principles of Management teaches management principles to tomorrow’s business leaders by weaving three threads through every chapter: strategy, entrepreneurship and active leadership.Exploring Business by Karen Collins; Collins
ISBN: 9780982043004Publication Date: 2016The author's goals in writing Exploring Business Version 2.0 were simple: (1) introduce students to business in an exciting way and (2) provide faculty with a fully developed teaching package that allows them to do the former.Organizational Behavior by Bauer; Talya Bauer; Berrin Erdogan
ISBN: 9780982043066Publication Date: 2009-01-01Two leading researchers in Management, Talya Bauer and Berrin Erdogan, bring you a new Organizational Behavior textbook that bridges the gap between theory and practice with a distinct ”experiential“ approach.
- Principles of Management SaylorProvided without attribution as requested by the work's original creator or licensor.
Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
MGT 4893
Management Strategy
Fundamentals of Global Strategy by Cornelis A. De Kluyver
ISBN: 9781606490730Publication Date: 2012The globalization of the competitive landscape has forced companies to fundamentally rethink their strategies. Whereas once only a few industries such as oil could be labeled truly global, today many-from pharmaceuticals to aircraft to computers-have become global in scale and scope. As a consequence, creating a global competitive advantage has become a key strategic issue for many companies. Crafting a global strategy requires making decisions about which strategy elements can and should be globalized and to what extent.Strategic Management by Reed Kennedy (Adapted by); Eli Jamison (Adapted by); Joseph Simpson (Adapted by); Pankaj Kumar (Adapted by); Ayenda Kemp (Adapted by); Kiran Awate (Adapted by); Kathleen Manning (Adapted by)
ISBN: 9781949373967Publication Date: 2020-07-31Strategic Management (2020) is a 325-page open educational resource designed as an introduction to the key topics and themes of strategic management. The open textbook is intended for a senior capstone course in an undergraduate business program and suitable for a wide range of undergraduate business students including those majoring in marketing, management, business administration, accounting, finance, real estate, business information technology, and hospitality and tourism. The text presents examples of familiar companies and personalities to illustrate the different strategies used by today's firms and how they go about implementing those strategies. It includes case studies, end of section key takeaways, exercises, and links to external videos, and an end-of-book glossary. The text is ideal for courses which focus on how organizations operate at the strategic level to be successful. Students will learn how to conduct case analyses, measure organizational performance, and conduct external and internal analyses.
YouTube Education: Business
This is a large collection of educational videos pulled from YouTube. The business topics include finance, leadership, innovation, entrepreneurship, human resource management, marketing, globalization and much more.
BLW 3013
Business Law
Advanced Business Law and the Legal Environment by Don Mayer, University of Denver Daniel Warner, Western Washington University George Siedel, University of Michigan Jethro Lieberman, New York Law School Alyssa Martina, Metro Parent Publishing Group
Mayer, Warner, Siedel and Lieberman's Advanced Business Law and the Legal Environment is an up-to-date textbook with coverage of legal and regulatory issues that are more technical than the topics in the authors’ Foundations of Business Law and the Legal Environment.Business Law I: Essentials by Mirande Valbrune, Renee De Assis, Suzanne Cardell, Tess C. Taylor, Nathalie Sappleton, C. M. Mitchell, and Kenneth Mitchell-Phillips
ISBN: 9781947172784Publication Date: 2019-11-27Business Law I Essentials is a brief introductory textbook designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of courses on Business Law or the Legal Environment of Business. The concepts are presented in a streamlined manner, and cover the key concepts necessary to establish a strong foundation in the subject. The textbook follows a traditional approach to the study of business law. Each chapter contains learning objectives, explanatory narrative and concepts, references for further reading, and end-of-chapter questions.Foundations of Business Law and the Legal Environment by Mayer, Don: University of Denver
ISBN: 9781453343722Publication Date: 2012Business Law and the Legal Environment provides students with context and essential concepts across a broad range of legal issues with which managers and business executives must grapple. The text provides the vocabulary and legal savvy necessary for business people to talk in an educated way to their customers, employees, suppliers, government officials — and to their own lawyers.The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business by Terence Lau; Lisa Johnson
ISBN: 9781936126583Publication Date: 2011Terence Lau & Lisa Johnson’s The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business is a book for today’s student, who expects learning to be comprised not only of substance, but also of interactive exercises and multimedia. This book streamlines the presentation of material to ensure that every page is relevant, engaging, and interesting to undergraduate business students, without losing the depth of coverage that they need to be successful in their academic journeys and in their professional careers. This is not Legal Environment of Business (LEB) ”light.“ Rather, this is LEB without risk of students’ eyes glazing over in boredom or from lack of comprehension. This is LEB presented in an exciting way, where every page is interesting to students and relevant to real life.
- Business Law and Ethics SaylorLaw, in its simplest form, is used to protect one party from another. For instance, laws protect customers from being exploited by companies. Laws protect companies from other companies. Laws even protect citizens and corporations from the government. However, law is neither perfect nor all encompassing. This course will introduce the student to the laws and ethical standards that managers must abide by in the course of conducting business. Laws and ethics almost always shape a company's decision-making process; a bank cannot charge any interest rate it wants to charge—that rate must be appropriate. By the end of this course, the student will have a clear understanding of the legal and ethical environment in which businesses operate. This free course may be completed online at any time. See course site for detailed overview and learning outcomes. (Business Administration 205)
- Business Law Open Course LibraryStudents will be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of law, its historical development, judicial process, and the role of law in a complex social system, with emphasis on the American legal system and its institutions. Demonstrate the ability to analyze fact patterns in accordance with the legal professional case analysis method; to apply appropriate vocabulary and substantive legal principles; and then to analyze, compare, and evaluate the logic, reasoning, and arguments of other students, in accordance with established legal principles. Demonstrate the ability to complete a group project with other students, by identifying the applicable legal issues in a case or proposed statute, debating those issues, and producing a live course presentation. Identify and describe the basic principles of major business law subjects, such as constitutional authority to regulate business; common law contracts; the Uniform Commercial Code; agency; business associations; real and personal property and business-related torts. Identify and describe approaches to business ethics, social responsibility, and justice, and, demonstrate the ability, when confronted with an ethical dilemma, to weigh the arguments for alternative courses of action, and logically and persuasively argue for a particular course of conduct.