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ME 1403
Engineering Practice and Graphics
Introduction to Aerospace Structures and Materials by René Alderliesten
ISBN: 9789463660754Publication Date: 2018This book provides an introduction to the discipline of aerospace structures and materials. It is the first book to date that includes all relevant aspects of this discipline within a single monologue. These aspects range from materials, manufacturing and processing techniques, to structures, design principles and structural performance, including aspects like durability and safety. With the purpose of introducing students into the basics of the entire discipline, the book presents the subjects broadly and loosely connected, adopting either a formal description or an informal walk around type of presentation. A key lessons conveyed within this book is the interplay between the exact science and engineering topics, like solid material physics and structural analysis, and the soft topics that are not easily captured by equations and formulas. Safety, manufacturability, availability and costing are some of these topics that are presented in this book to explain decisions and design solutions within this discipline.Introduction to Linear, Time-Invariant, Dynamic Systems for Students of Engineering by William Hallauer
Publication Date: 2016This is a complete college textbook, including a detailed Table of Contents, seventeen Chapters (each with a set of relevant homework problems), a list of References, two Appendices, and a detailed Index.Building Information - Representation and Management: Fundamentals and Principles by Alexander Koutamanis
ISBN: 9789463661607Publication Date: 2019The book presents a coherent theory of building information, focusing on its representation and management in the digital era. It addresses issues such as the information explosion and the structure of analogue building representations to propose a parsimonious approach to the deployment and utilization of symbolic digital technologies like BIM.Sustainability: A Comprehensive Foundation by Tom Theis, Jonathan Tomkin
Publication Date: 2015With “Sustainability: A Comprehensive Foundation”, first and second-year college students are introduced to this expanding new field, comprehensively exploring the essential concepts from every branch of knowledge – including engineering and the applied arts, natural and social sciences, and the humanities. As sustainability is a multi-disciplinary area of study, the text is the product of multiple authors drawn from the diverse faculty of the University of Illinois: each chapter is written by a recognized expert in the field.
ME 2173
Numerical Methods
MATLAB Primer by Timothy A. Davis; Kermit Sigmon
ISBN: 1584885238Publication Date: 2004-12-29MATLAB integrates computation, visualization, and programming in a flexible, open environment and offers an intuitive language for expressing problems and their solutions mathematically and graphically. This seventh edition extends the popular MATLAB Primer to serve as handy reference to MATLAB 7.0, helping users to learn without having to page through thick manuals. As with the last edition, many new features of MATLAB will be dealt with in some detail, as will the latest on cell publishing, M-Lint, calling Fortran and Java, and using MATLAB with ordinary and partial differential equations. This edition also provides tools for writing M-files, including Help and Content Reports, File Comparison, and Coverage Report.
- Introduction to MATLAB MIT Open Course WareThe course, intended for students with no programming experience, provides the foundations of programming in MATLAB®. Variables, arrays, conditional statements, loops, functions, and plots are explained. At the end of the course, students should be able to use MATLAB in their own work, and be prepared to deepen their MATLAB programming skills and tackle other languages for computing, such as Java, C++, or Python.
- Stanford Engineering Everywhere (SEE)The SEE course portfolio includes one of Stanford's most popular sequences: the three-course Introduction to Computer Science, taken by the majority of Stanford’s undergraduates, as well as more advanced courses in artificial intelligence and electrical engineering. Includes complete lecture videos. as well as syllabi, handouts, homework, and exams.
ME 3244
Materials Engineering & Lab
- StaticsThis wikibook covers the fundamentals of forces and moments.
- Fundamentals of Materials Science MIT Open Course WareThis course focuses on the fundamentals of structure, energetics, and bonding that underpin materials science. It is the introductory lecture class for sophomore students in Materials Science and Engineering, taken with 3.014 and 3.016 to create a unified introduction to the subject. Topics include: an introduction to thermodynamic functions and laws governing equilibrium properties, relating macroscopic behavior to atomistic and molecular models of materials; the role of electronic bonding in determining the energy, structure, and stability of materials; quantum mechanical descriptions of interacting electrons and atoms; materials phenomena, such as heat capacities, phase transformations, and multiphase equilibria to chemical reactions and magnetism; symmetry properties of molecules and solids; structure of complex, disordered, and amorphous materials; tensors and constraints on physical properties imposed by symmetry; and determination of structure through diffraction. Real-world applications include engineered alloys, electronic and magnetic materials, ionic and network solids, polymers, and biomaterials. This course is a core subject in MIT's undergraduate Energy Studies Minor. This Institute-wide program complements the deep expertise obtained in any major with a broad understanding of the interlinked realms of science, technology, and social sciences as they relate to energy and associated environmental challenges.
- Stanford Engineering Everywhere (SEE)The SEE course portfolio includes one of Stanford's most popular sequences: the three-course Introduction to Computer Science, taken by the majority of Stanford’s undergraduates, as well as more advanced courses in artificial intelligence and electrical engineering. Includes complete lecture videos. as well as syllabi, handouts, homework, and exams.