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- OER for CEID
- Getting Started: Finding OER
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- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
Looking for OER?
Finding OER and low cost textbooks can be a time-consuming process. Your librarian is well-versed in OER for your discipline, and can do the heavy-lifting by serving up potential OER and low cost textbooks for your class.
How do we help? Your librarian will do a deep dive for resources, leveraging connections in national and Texas OER communities to ensure that no stone is left un-turned in the search for OER for your courses.
OER: Challenging to Find
OER can be tricky to find: there are numerous OER repositories, not all OER are indexed in repositories, no single repository contains all available OER, and many OER are in development, too, and thus not findable easily.
Solution: Use this Guide
- OER discovery tools, linked below, are wonderful resources for OER on any topic.
- Using the navigation on the left of this page, you can browse by OER available for your academic department.
- Be sure to check out the course matches for each department, too. UTSA Librarians have already matched OER to many courses within each department: we have done a lot of the footwork already to identify OER for many courses within the UTSA COEHD!
Get Started
These OER search tools are great starting points for OER: they search across numerous OER and open access repositories for a variety of formats: textbooks, course materials, videos, simulations, and more.
Pressbooks Directory
- Pressbooks DirectoryAs an institutional Pressbooks subscriber, UTSA faculty can search the Pressbooks Directory in order to discover OER textbooks across all PressbooksEDU networks. The beauty of these OER is they can be easily cloned on the UTSA Open Textbook network, depending on the level of Creative Commons licensing, and can also be tailored for a course. The Pressbooks Directory will indicate the Creative Commons License for each book, indicating how and if the book can be cloned. Pressbooks will also show the number of H5P activities in a book if you are interested in books with ready-to-go engagement questions.
Mason OER Metafinder (MOM)
The Mason OER Metafinder helps you find Open Educational Resources.The OER Metafinder launches a real-time, simultaneous search across 21 different OER repositories, including OpenStax, OER Commons, MERLOT but also sites like HathiTrust, DPLA, Internet Archive and NYPL Digital Collections.

OASIS: Openly Available Sources Integrated Search
Openly Available Sources Integrated Search (OASIS) is a search tool that aims to make the discovery of open content easier. OASIS currently searches open content from 97 different sources and contains 385,629 records. OASIS is being developed at SUNY Geneseo's Milne Library.

OERTX for Texas Core Courses
- OERTXOERTX Repository is a public digital library of open educational resources for higher education. Search collections or create and collaborate to improve instruction. Focus is OER for Texas Core Courses.