UTSA Textbook Transparency: Find Courses with Affordable Textbooks

A guide for UTSA Student Roadrunners on how to find free and low-cost textbook courses in the UTSA course schedules.

SB 810

In 2017, the Texas government codified SB 810 in TEC, 51.542 to require Texas institutions of higher education to track courses using open educational resources and for those institutions to make reasonable efforts to disseminate information to students regarding courses using OER. Examples of OER are: Open Textbook Library, OpenStax, or any other Creative Commons licensed learning material that allows for free access and re-use.

HB 1027

In 2021, the Texas government codified HB 1027, requiring transparency at Texas institutions using inclusive access programs, also known as automatic textbook billing programs. HB 1027 also provided more clarity around OER transparency requirements at Texas institutions of higher learning. Visit InclusiveAccess.org and Textbooks & Inclusive Access at UTSA to learn more about inclusive access and HB 1027.