If you've determined you need to request permission from the copyright holder to use their work:
1. Identify the Copyright Holder
- Check if there is a copyright notice on the work that identifies the author
- Keep in mind there may be multiple copyright holders
- Has the copyright changed hands? It may no longer belong to the original creator
- The method of identifying owners differs depending on the industry
2. Identify the Rights You Need
- Copyright is a bundle of rights. What specific rights would you like to request permission for? This could include:
- Reproduce
- Distribute
- Modify
- Would you like exclusive or non-exclusive rights?
- What length of time do you need the rights?
3. Be Prepared
- Plan ahead: requesting permission could take time
- Submit your request and obtain the response in writing
- Be prepared for the possibility of licensing fees
- Multiple rounds of negotiation may be necessary
- Ultimately, the copyright holder could say no