Key Databases: Journal Articles
Communication researchers rely heavily on scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles. Because of this, these databases are great starting points.
- Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window
Comprehensive multidisciplinary, multilingual source for articles in scholarly and professional journals, magazines, newspapers, conference proceedings and more. All subjects.
Coverage: 1867-current. Updated daily - Communication & Mass Media Complete (CMMC) (EBSCO) This link opens in a new windowIncorporates the indexes CommSearch and Mass Media Articles Index along with numerous other journals in communication and mass media studies. Offers cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for over 370 journals and selected coverage of over 230 more, with full-text articles for more than 240 journals. Coverage for some titles begins in 1915.
- Communication Abstracts (EBSCO) This link opens in a new windowIndexes and abstracts communication-related articles, reports, papers, and books from a variety of publishers, research institutions, and information sources. Covers communication literature, as well as literature in other disciplines relevant to communication researchers, such as international literature in film studies, the role of technology in human communications, risk communication, crisis communication, and public opinions.
- Communication Studies: A Sage Full-Text Collection This link opens in a new windowProvides full-text access to 19 journals published by Sage on topics in communication studies, including media studies, political communication, mass communication, interpersonal communication, intercultural communication, business communication, and organizational/management communication.
- Sage Journals This link opens in a new windowProvides electronic access to approximately 600 journals published by Sage spanning the Humanities, Social Sciences, Science, Technology, Engineering, Materials Science and Medicine. Access is limited to subscription content only.
- Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ( This link opens in a new windowThe standard source for publisher information on popular and academic journals, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, and other periodicals. Worldwide coverage of all subjects. Indicates whether a journal is refereed (peer reviewed) and open access. Includes information on active and ceased periodicals, as well as monographic (book) series. Provides reviews for many titles.
- Web of Science This link opens in a new window
Search current and retrospective information from 12,000+ high-impact research journals worldwide. Provides seamless access to Science Citation Expanded (1900- ), Social Sciences Citation Index (1900- ), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975- ), Conference Proceedings Index (1990- ), and Emerging Sources Citation Index (2005-2017). Cited reference searching enables tracking prior research, gauging the impact of research, and to locate articles that share common references.
- WorldCatSearches a global catalog of library collections.
Quick Search is a great place to find journal articles, too: use search terms related to your topic and limit to journal articles under 'Content Type' and 'Journalism and Communications' under discipline.
Library Quick Search
eBooksYou may find sources in Google Scholar that aren’t available through the UTSA Libraries. Google Scholar is also awesome for identifying newer resources that have cited an older resource and for finding related research.